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Hyper Solutions SDK for JavaScript / TypeScript - With support for Akamai Bot Manager and Incapsula.


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Hyper Solutions SDK

SDK for TypeScript and JavaScript.


To use the Hyper Solutions SDK in your Go project, you need to install it using the following command:

npm install hyper-sdk-js


Creating a Session

To start using the SDK, you need to create a new Session instance by providing your API key:

import {Session} from "hyper-sdk-js";

const session = new Session("Your API key");

You can also optionally set a JWT private key:

import {Session} from "hyper-sdk-js";

const session = new Session("Your API key", "Your base64 JWT private key");


The Akamai package provides functions for interacting with Akamai Bot Manager, including generating sensor data, parsing script path, parsing pixel challenges, and handling sec-cpt challenges.

Generating Sensor Data

To generate sensor data required for generating valid Akamai cookies, use the generateSensorData function:

import {generateSensorData} from "hyper-sdk-js/akamai/sensor.js";

// Caution: will throw an error if the API returns a non-OK response
const sensorData = await generateSensorData(session, {
    abck: "..", // _abck cookie value
    bmsz: "..", // bm_sz cookie value
    pageUrl: "", // URL of the page to generate a cookie for
    userAgent: ".." // Browser user agent to impersonate

Parsing Script Path

To parse the Akamai Bot Manager script path from the given HTML code, use the parseAkamaiPath function:

import {parseAkamaiPath} from "hyper-sdk-js/akamai/script_path.js";

// Caution: may return null
const scriptPath = parseAkamaiPath(body);

Handling Sec-Cpt Challenges

The Akamai package provides functions for handling sec-cpt challenges:

  • parseChallengeHTML: Parses a sec-cpt challenge from the given HTML code.
  • parseChallengeJSON: Parses a sec-cpt challenge from a JSON response. Use this if you receive an HTTP 429 block.
  • CryptoChallenge.generatePayload: Generates a crypto challenge payload using the provided sec-cpt cookie.
  • CryptoChallenge.wait: Returns a Promise<void> that is resolved after the challenge duration.

Validating Cookies

The Akamai package provides functions for validating cookies:

  • isAkamaiCookieValid: Determines if the provided _abck cookie value is valid based on the given request count.
  • isAkamaiCookieInvalidated: Determines if the current session requires more sensors to be sent.

Generating Pixel Data

To generate pixel data, use the generatePixelData function:

import {generatePixelData} from "hyper-sdk-js/akamai/pixel.js";

const data = await generatePixelData(
    new PixelInput(
        "..", // Browser user agent to impersonate
        "..", // HTML var, obtained with parsePixelHtmlVar
        ".." // Script var, obtained with parsePixelScriptVar

Parsing Pixel Challenges

The Akamai package provides functions for parsing pixel challenges:

  • parsePixelHtmlVar: Parses the required pixel challenge variable from the given HTML code.
  • parsePixelScriptUrl: Parses the script URL of the pixel challenge script and the URL to post a generated payload to from the given HTML code.
  • parsePixelScriptVar: Parses the dynamic value from the pixel script.


The Incapsula package provides functions for interacting with Incapsula, including generating Reese84 sensor data, UTMVC cookies, and parsing UTMVC script paths.

Generating Reese84 Sensor

To generate sensor data required for generating valid Reese84 cookies, use the generateReese84Sensor function:

import {generateReese84Sensor} from "hyper-sdk-js/incapsula/reese.js";

const sensor = await generateReese84Sensor(session, {
    userAgent: "..", // Browser user agent to impersonate
    site: ".." // Site identifier; ask for your site in your ticket

Generating UTMVC Cookie

To generate the UTMVC cookie using the Hyper Solutions API, use the generateUtmvcCookie function:

import {generateUtmvcCookie} from "hyper-sdk-js/incapsula/utmvc.js";

const cookie = await generateUtmvcCookie(session, {
    userAgent: "..", // Browser user agent to impersonate
    script: "..", // utmvc script
    sessionIds: [] // Session identifiers, obtained with getSessionIds

Obtaining session identifiers

To obtain the session identifiers (sessionIds), use the getSessionIds function:

import {getSessionIds} from "hyper-sdk-js/incapsula/utmvc.js";

// Example input. You need to provide an array of objects,
// each containing the cookie's name (`name` field) and
// the cookie's value (`value` field).
const sessionIds = getSessionIds([
        name: "incap_ses_a",
        value: "test1"
        name: "incap_ses_b",
        value: "test2"

Parsing UTMVC Script Path

To parse the UTMVC script path from a given HTML code, use the parseUtmvcScriptPath function:

import {parseUtmvcScriptPath} from "hyper-sdk-js/incapsula/utmvc.js";

const scriptPath = parseUtmvcScriptPath(body);

Generating UTMVC Submit Path

To generate a unique UTMVC submit path with a random query parameter, use the generateUtmvcScriptPath function:

import {generateUtmvcScriptPath} from "hyper-sdk-js/incapsula/utmvc.js";

const submitPath = generateUtmvcScriptPath();


If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This SDK is licensed under the MIT License.