Github page to paper: AudioIMU: Enhancing Inertial Sensing-Based Activity Recognition with Acoustic Models (to appear at ACM ISWC 2022)
Derive DeepConvLSTM activity recognition models based on IMU inputs only:
Train and evaluate the teacher model 1 (audio inputs):
Train and evaluate the teacher model 2 (audio + IMU inputs):
Train and evaluate the student models with 15 participants:
If you want to do a parameter search for your own setting (especially if you experiment with a new model architecture or your own data), you can do something similar to script:
If you just want to run inference for the participants' data based on our developed models, you can do something similar to script: sample_inference.ipynb
All the model architectures and FFT functions are wrapped up in
Weights of our tested models can be accessed at: The data is of name: rawAudioSegmentedData_window_10_hop_0.5_Test_NEW.pkl