Simple C++ CLI to query the list of sound devices and to set / change the current default device
The background was that I wanted to programatically change the current / active Sound Device I only wanted a simple command line app to integrate it with Macros for changing the device.
Once I wrote the code I found that other repositories exist for the same thing - e.g. an implementation in Rust.
It was an interesting voyage though, as this implementation uses an interface that is clearly a Windows supported one, but must have been reverse engineered - hence the standalone PolicyConfig.h file that I downloaded from the internet. To me it is an example of the breathtaking craziness of Microsoft and why you need to jump through hoops to do such a simple task
To call this application you can merely :
audio-dev-enumerate --list
audio-dev-enumerate --device {}
where on my machine I can call:
audio-dev-enumerate --device {}.{e774d123-a2b9-4445-b182-5b1d3632c0d8}
to change the device to a RealTek device present.
I integrated it with AutoHotKey (see in order to bind it to macro keystrokes that I can press on my keyboard:
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
; RealTek
^!1::run "e:\bin\audio-dev-enumerate.exe --device {}.{e774d123-a2b9-4445-b182-5b1d3632c0d8}"
^!2::run "e:\bin\audio-dev-enumerate.exe --device {}.{cf8907d5-be32-429b-abf4-fea8d2a6799a}"
; Mute / unmute current sound device
SoundSetMute -1
To call the above macros, once installed via AutoHotKey, you could press:
CTRL + ALT + 1 => will run the macro "^!1::run", i.e. change to RealTek
CTRL + ALT + 3 => will run the mute macro