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HiroIshida committed Jun 7, 2024
1 parent d24791a commit ccb61fd
Showing 1 changed file with 108 additions and 66 deletions.
174 changes: 108 additions & 66 deletions src/kinematics.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,29 +12,58 @@ tinyfk:

namespace tinyfk {

Vector3 rpy_derivative(const Vector3 &rpy, const Vector3 &axis) {
Vector3 drpy_dt;
double a2 = -rpy.y;
double a3 = -rpy.z;
drpy_dt.x = cos(a3) / cos(a2) * axis.x - sin(a3) / cos(a2) * axis.y;
drpy_dt.y = sin(a3) * axis.x + cos(a3) * axis.y;
drpy_dt.z = -cos(a3) * sin(a2) / cos(a2) * axis.x +
sin(a3) * sin(a2) / cos(a2) * axis.y + axis.z;
return drpy_dt;
// Vector3 rpy_derivative(const Vector3 &rpy, const Vector3 &axis) {
// Vector3 drpy_dt;
// double a2 = -rpy.y;
// double a3 = -rpy.z;
// drpy_dt.x = cos(a3) / cos(a2) * axis.x - sin(a3) / cos(a2) * axis.y;
// drpy_dt.y = sin(a3) * axis.x + cos(a3) * axis.y;
// drpy_dt.z = -cos(a3) * sin(a2) / cos(a2) * axis.x +
// sin(a3) * sin(a2) / cos(a2) * axis.y + axis.z;
// return drpy_dt;
// }
Eigen::Vector3d rpy_derivative(const Eigen::Vector3d &rpy,
const Eigen::Vector3d &axis) {
Eigen::Matrix3d mat;
double sinp = sin(rpy(1));
double cosp = cos(rpy(1));
double siny = sin(rpy(2));
double cosy = cos(rpy(2));
mat << cosy / cosp, -siny / cosp, 0,
siny, cosy, 0,
-cosy * sinp / cosp, siny * sinp / cosp, 1;
return mat * axis;

Rotation q_derivative(const Rotation &q, const Vector3 &omega) {
const double dxdt =
0.5 * (0 * q.x + omega.z * q.y - omega.y * q.z + omega.x * q.w);
const double dydt =
0.5 * (-omega.z * q.x + 0 * q.y + omega.x * q.z + omega.y * q.w);
const double dzdt =
0.5 * (omega.y * q.x - omega.x * q.y + 0 * q.z + omega.z * q.w);
const double dwdt =
0.5 * (-omega.x * q.x - omega.y * q.y - omega.z * q.z + 0 * q.w);
return Rotation(dxdt, dydt, dzdt, -dwdt); // TODO: why minus????
// Rotation q_derivative(const Rotation &q, const Vector3 &omega) {
// const double dxdt =
// 0.5 * (0 * q.x + omega.z * q.y - omega.y * q.z + omega.x * q.w);
// const double dydt =
// 0.5 * (-omega.z * q.x + 0 * q.y + omega.x * q.z + omega.y * q.w);
// const double dzdt =
// 0.5 * (omega.y * q.x - omega.x * q.y + 0 * q.z + omega.z * q.w);
// const double dwdt =
// 0.5 * (-omega.x * q.x - omega.y * q.y - omega.z * q.z + 0 * q.w);
// return Rotation(dxdt, dydt, dzdt, -dwdt); // TODO: why minus????
// }

Eigen::Vector4d q_derivative(const Eigen::Quaterniond &q,
const Eigen::Vector3d &omega) {
double ox = omega(0);
double oy = omega(1);
double oz = omega(2);
Eigen::Matrix4d mat;
mat << 0, oz, -oy, ox,
-oz, 0, ox, oy,
oy, -ox, 0, oz,
-ox, -oy, -oz, 0;
Eigen::Vector4d dqdt = 0.5 * mat * q.coeffs();
// TODO: why minus????
dqdt(3) = -dqdt(3);
return dqdt;

void KinematicModel::get_link_pose(
size_t link_id, Eigen::Affine3d &out_tf_rlink_to_elink) const {
Eigen::Affine3d const *pose_ptr = transform_cache_.get_cache(link_id);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,53 +183,54 @@ KinematicModel::get_jacobian(size_t elink_id,
Eigen::Affine3d tf_rlink_to_clink;
this->get_link_pose(clink->id, tf_rlink_to_clink);

Rotation &crot = tf_rlink_to_clink.rotation;
Vector3 joint_axis{hjoint->axis(0), hjoint->axis(1), hjoint->axis(2)};
Vector3 &&world_axis = crot * joint_axis; // axis w.r.t root link
Vector3 dpos;
Eigen::Vector3d world_axis = tf_rlink_to_clink * hjoint->axis; // axis w.r.t root link
Eigen::Vector3d dpos;
if (type == urdf::Joint::PRISMATIC) {
dpos = world_axis;
} else { // revolute or continuous
Vector3 &cpos = tf_rlink_to_clink.position;
Vector3 vec_clink_to_elink = {epos.x - cpos.x, epos.y - cpos.y,
epos.z - cpos.z};
cross_product(world_axis, vec_clink_to_elink, dpos);
// Vector3 &cpos = tf_rlink_to_clink.position;
// Vector3 vec_clink_to_elink = {epos.x - cpos.x, epos.y - cpos.y,
// epos.z - cpos.z};
// cross_product(world_axis, vec_clink_to_elink, dpos);
dpos = world_axis.cross(epos - tf_rlink_to_clink.translation());
jacobian(0, i) = dpos.x;
jacobian(1, i) = dpos.y;
jacobian(2, i) = dpos.z;
// jacobian(0, i) = dpos.x;
// jacobian(1, i) = dpos.y;
// jacobian(2, i) = dpos.z;
jacobian.block(0, i, 3, 1) = dpos;
if (type == urdf::Joint::PRISMATIC) {
// jacobian for rotation is all zero
} else {

if (rot_type == RotationType::RPY) { // (compute rpy jacobian)
Vector3 drpy_dt = rpy_derivative(erpy, world_axis);
jacobian(3, i) = drpy_dt.x;
jacobian(4, i) = drpy_dt.y;
jacobian(5, i) = drpy_dt.z;
Eigen::Vector3d drpy_dt = rpy_derivative(erpy, world_axis);
jacobian.block(3, i, 3, 1) = drpy_dt;
// jacobian(3, i) = drpy_dt.x;
// jacobian(4, i) = drpy_dt.y;
// jacobian(5, i) = drpy_dt.z;

if (rot_type == RotationType::XYZW) { // (compute quat jacobian)
Rotation dq_dt = q_derivative(erot_inverse, world_axis);
jacobian(3, i) = dq_dt.x;
jacobian(4, i) = dq_dt.y;
jacobian(5, i) = dq_dt.z;
jacobian(6, i) = dq_dt.w;
// Rotation dq_dt = q_derivative(erot_inverse, world_axis);
Eigen::Vector4d dq_dt = q_derivative(erot_inverse, world_axis);
jacobian.block(3, i, 4, 1) = dq_dt;
// jacobian(3, i) = dq_dt.x;
// jacobian(4, i) = dq_dt.y;
// jacobian(5, i) = dq_dt.z;
// jacobian(6, i) = dq_dt.w;

Transform tf_rlink_to_blink, tf_blink_to_rlink, tf_blink_to_elink;
Eigen::Affine3d tf_rlink_to_blink_tmp;
Vector3 rpy_rlink_to_blink;
Eigen::Affine3d tf_rlink_to_blink, tf_blink_to_rlink, tf_blink_to_elink;
Eigen::Vector3d rpy_rlink_to_blink;
if (with_base) {
this->get_link_pose(this->root_link_id_, tf_rlink_to_blink_tmp);
tf_rlink_to_blink = eigen_affine3d_to_urdf_pose(tf_rlink_to_blink_tmp);
this->get_link_pose(this->root_link_id_, tf_rlink_to_blink);
tf_blink_to_rlink = tf_rlink_to_blink.inverse();
rpy_rlink_to_blink = tf_rlink_to_blink.rotation.getRPY();
tf_blink_to_elink = pose_transform(tf_blink_to_rlink, tf_rlink_to_elink);
rpy_rlink_to_blink = tf_rlink_to_blink.rotation().eulerAngles(0, 1, 2);
tf_blink_to_elink = tf_blink_to_rlink * tf_rlink_to_elink;

if (with_base) {
Expand All @@ -220,29 +250,41 @@ KinematicModel::get_jacobian(size_t elink_id,
auto rpy_tweaked = rpy_rlink_to_blink;
rpy_tweaked[rpy_idx] += eps;

Transform tf_rlink_to_blink_tweaked = tf_rlink_to_blink;
rpy_tweaked.x, rpy_tweaked.y, rpy_tweaked.z);
Transform tf_rlink_to_elink_tweaked =
pose_transform(tf_rlink_to_blink_tweaked, tf_blink_to_elink);
auto pose_out = tf_rlink_to_elink_tweaked;

const auto pos_diff = pose_out.position - tf_rlink_to_elink.position;
jacobian(0, idx_col) = pos_diff.x / eps;
jacobian(1, idx_col) = pos_diff.y / eps;
jacobian(2, idx_col) = pos_diff.z / eps;
// Transform tf_rlink_to_blink_tweaked = tf_rlink_to_blink;
Eigen::Affine3d tf_rlink_to_blink_tweaked = tf_rlink_to_blink;
Eigen::Quaterniond quaternion = Eigen::AngleAxisd(rpy_tweaked(2), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()) *
Eigen::AngleAxisd(rpy_tweaked(1), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY()) *
Eigen::AngleAxisd(rpy_tweaked(0), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX());
tf_rlink_to_blink_tweaked.linear() = quaternion.toRotationMatrix();
Eigen::Affine3d tf_rlink_to_elink_tweaked = tf_rlink_to_blink_tweaked * tf_blink_to_elink;

const auto pose_diff = tf_rlink_to_elink_tweaked.translation() - tf_rlink_to_elink.translation();
// jacobian(0, idx_col) = pos_diff.x / eps;
// jacobian(1, idx_col) = pos_diff.y / eps;
// jacobian(2, idx_col) = pos_diff.z / eps;
jacobian.block(0, idx_col, 3, 1) = pose_diff / eps;
if (rot_type == RotationType::RPY) {
auto erpy_tweaked = pose_out.rotation.getRPY();
const auto erpy_diff = erpy_tweaked - erpy;
jacobian(3, idx_col) = erpy_diff.x / eps;
jacobian(4, idx_col) = erpy_diff.y / eps;
jacobian(5, idx_col) = erpy_diff.z / eps;
auto erpy_twaked = tf_rlink_to_elink_tweaked.rotation().eulerAngles(0, 1, 2);
// const auto erpy_diff = erpy_tweaked - erpy;
// jacobian(3, idx_col) = erpy_diff.x / eps;
// jacobian(4, idx_col) = erpy_diff.y / eps;
// jacobian(5, idx_col) = erpy_diff.z / eps;
jacobian.block(3, idx_col, 3, 1) = (erpy_twaked - erpy) / eps;
if (rot_type == RotationType::XYZW) {
jacobian(3, idx_col) = (pose_out.rotation.x - erot.x) / eps;
jacobian(4, idx_col) = (pose_out.rotation.y - erot.y) / eps;
jacobian(5, idx_col) = (pose_out.rotation.z - erot.z) / eps;
jacobian(6, idx_col) = (pose_out.rotation.w - erot.w) / eps;
// Eigen::Vector4d erot{tf_rlink_to_elink_tweaked.rotation().x(),
// tf_rlink_to_elink_tweaked.rotation().y(),
// tf_rlink_to_elink_tweaked.rotation().z(),
// tf_rlink_to_elink_tweaked.rotation().w()};
// Eigen::Vector4d erot_twaked{tf_rlink_to_elink_tweaked.rotation().x(),
// tf_rlink_to_elink_tweaked.rotation().y(),
// tf_rlink_to_elink_tweaked.rotation().z(),
// tf_rlink_to_elink_tweaked.rotation().w()};
// jacobian.block(3, idx_col, 4, 1) = (erot_twaked - erot) / eps;
// jacobian(3, idx_col) = (pose_out.rotation.x - erot.x) / eps;
// jacobian(4, idx_col) = (pose_out.rotation.y - erot.y) / eps;
// jacobian(5, idx_col) = (pose_out.rotation.z - erot.z) / eps;
// jacobian(6, idx_col) = (pose_out.rotation.w - erot.w) / eps;
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