Passionate about working smarter, not harder, coding has become a passion for me. Continuously looking to improve, my focus is mainly on software design and testing. I believe in iterative development and the importance of automated pipelines for assuring fnctionality, quality and security properties.
♥ I love whiteboards, refactoring code and inner-sourcing accross teams.
🔨 A tool you may not know but worth checking out: MermaidJS for storing architectural diagrams and decision within version control!
- Internal testing API with concurency and high availability (PostgresDB, NginX)
- Planning tool for Guild Wars 2 players organising training events and needing to sort sign-ups into appropriate roles (constraint satisfaction problem solver) GitHub Repository (JavaFX, jlink)
- Room-based murder mystery game GitHub Repository (JavaFX)
- Peer-to-peer desktop application promoting democratic disscussions around any topics namely political (LevelDB, IPFS LibP2P, Wails (Go-Web frontend connector))
- Simulation tool for combat optimisation in Guild Wars 2
- Information website for NHS patients following treatment for Biliary Artresia: nhs-liver-disease (may be offline) (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS, custom CMS)
- Guides for end-game Guild Wars 2 players:, GitHub Repository (ReactJS, StyledComponents)
- Frontend for P2P forum application built in Go listed above with fully asynchronous comunication with the backend for high availability (ReactJS)
- Web scraper to automatically find and download videos dynamically
- RegEx parser that helps video creators divide subtitle files into several parts taking into account start padding, time shift, end cut needed and new name
- Vladimir Khorikov - Blog: pragmatic unit testing and domain-driven design, Book: Unit Testing Principles, Practices, and Patterns
- Dave Farley - ContinuousDelivery YouTube: continuous integration, DevOps and TDD
- Arjan - ArjanCode Youtube: software design and refactoring