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Ryan Johnson edited this page May 3, 2018 · 2 revisions

TODO: Move "position" section to "Resources > Positioning" in component explorer docs


Positioning is accomplished via calculating absolute x,y coordinates from a reference element (i.e. you position an element in relation to a reference element, rather than the page).

The positioning library has two functions that provide x,y coordinates.

  • getPosition(positionedElement, referenceElement, config)
    • applies no margin or offset
  • getPositionWithArrow(positionedElement, referenceElement, config)
    • applies predefined margin and offset values based on redline specifications


Three options are available:

  1. position
  2. margin
  3. offset


The position option defines the general location of the positioned element in relation to the relative element. The x,y coordinates of the positioned element can be fine tuned using the margin and offset options.

Positioning Reference Chart

(starting from top left and going clockwise)

Position Location Alignment
top-start above and to the left align left edges
top-left above and to the left align right edge with relative center
top above centered horizontally align centers
top-right above and to the right align left edge with relative center
top-end above and to the right align right edges
right-start right and higher align top edges
right-top right and higher align bottom edge with relative center
right right centered vertically align centers
right-bottom right and lower align top edge with relative center
right-end right and lower align bottom edges
bottom-end below and to the right align right edges
bottom-right below and to the right align left edge with relative center
bottom below centered horizontally align centers
bottom-left below and to the left align right edge with relative center
bottom-start below and to the left align left edges
left-end left and lower align bottom edges
left-bottom left and lower align top edge with relative center
left left centered vertically align centers
left-top left and higher align bottom edge with relative center
left-start left and higher align top edges


Offset is the distance in pixels toward the main axis. Use this option to shift the positioned element along the cross-axis.


Margin is the space in pixels, along the main axis, between the reference element and the positioned element.

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