SpiderSense is Discontinued, Please, do not bother with this client
SpiderSense is a discontinued continuation of the GameSense utility mod for Minecraft 1.12.2
Credits for pasted/stolen code should have file credits.
This client is an absolute mess and is filled with bad coding practices (pasting cough cough). There is code pasted/inspired from so many clients I can't even count. I am archiving the repository because I don't want to be known by this shitdump of a client. I regret everything in this client. I regret pasting/stealing code from clients instead of making it by myself. I regret portraying it as if it is some kind of actually good client. I regret being an ass. The truth is, I don't want to be known by this, and I don't want people to insult be because of this. It is a bad, pasted, and shit client that nobody should ever use or continue devloping. That's why it is fully discontinued and will never recieve any more updates. I am getting better at java, I am learning more about clients and trying to get away from pasting other people's code. Once again, Please do not use this, it is bad and I regret everything about this client, I have moved on and an working on other, better things.
Clients: Momentum, GameSense, Cosmos, Haybale Client, Konas, SalHack, Wurst+, Oyvey, Phobos, Cookie Client, Inferno and more.
People: IUDevman, Cyber, Hoosiers, FINZ0, 086, PreparedSystem_32, Christallinqq, Aestheticall and Perry.
No further updates or support will be offered. Contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions.