A digital dashboard for homeschooling caretakers that tracks grades. Users can fully customize the subjects that are added. Assignment grades are calculated, averaged, and displayed on the dashboard overview. Individual assignments can be edited or deleted.
Link to project: https://homeschooldash.cyclic.app/
Tech used: HTML, CSS, TailwindCSS, EJS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Passport for Authentication, and Nodemailer for emails
Stretch Goals:
- Attendance Tracking
- Weighted grading (depending on market research)
- Calculate and display GPA
- Scheduling linked to calendar with reminders
- Goal Setting per child/Expectations
- A Curriculum Planner with Yearly/Monthly/Weekly overviews
- A Supply list
- Reading list
- Ability to save resources for each subject (like a project board to save links for digital resources or projects etc)
- Ability to generate forms for each child for states where it's required by the district
SUPER Stretch Goals:
- Forums to rehome curricula
- Reviews for individual curricula
- Ability to upload/save documents to account
- Resource/Project suggestions by grade/subject
- Meter based on logo that changes based on the GPA