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Memory Motel App

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Main external packages

Plugins Description Version
@nuxtjs/auth-next 🔑 Auth module version
@nuxtjs/router-extras 🛣 Router extended version
@nuxtjs/pwa 📱 PWA module with workbox support version
@nuxtjs/axios 🌐 Axios module for Nuxt version
hammerjs 👉 Handle multi-touch gestures version
vue-lazyload 🏞 Lazyload on medias version
dayjs ⏰ Immutable date-time version
gsap 💃 Animation library version

Getting started


⚠️ You first need to install Memory Motel API to run this project

Enable getUserMedia on your navigator
For Chrome go to: chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-web-platform-features

# copy env variables and fill with dev values
cp .env.example .env

# install dependencies
yarn install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
yarn dev

HTTPS Configuration

This project uses mkcert to generate SSL certificate. Please refer to the mkcert installation doc to install it on your machine.

  1. Generate a local certificate in /cert folder, in root of project.
# Create and go in /cert
mkdir cert && cd cert

# Generate certificate
# Replace [localip] by your machine's ip in your local network (or static url on Mac)
mkcert -key-file key.pem -cert-file cert.pem localhost [localip] ::1

# On MacOS, you can also use your local DNS (Settings -> Share). I.E. :
mkcert -key-file key.pem -cert-file cert.pem localhost robin.local ::1
  1. Install the certificate on your machine.
mkcert -install
  1. Mobile connection :
  • Transfer the cert/cert.pem file on your mobile (i.e. via AirDrop)
  • For the certificates to be trusted on mobile devices, you will have to install the root CA. It's the rootCA.pem file in the folder printed by mkcert -CAROOT. Also transfer it on your mobile.
  • Install both profiles on the device
  1. Enjoy ! 🎉

Lint code

# see lint errors and warnings
yarn lint

# fix errors and warnings automatically
yarn lint --fix

Run for production

# build for production and launch server
yarn build
yarn start

# generate static project
yarn generate


# init git flow
git flow init

Create feature

# init git flow
git checkout develop
git flow feature start my-feature-name
git flow feature publish my-feature-name

Finish feature

git flow feature finish my-feature-name