A collection of easy to understand reverse shells in many different languages.
RevShell's Universal Listener. - Currently only netcat wrapper
Java reverse shells:
jRevCat - Light weight Netcat reverse shell in java. Downloads the correct ncat version/architecture for the OS (Windows or x86/i686 Linux for now).
jRevBash - Light weight bash reverse shell in java. Tries a couple of different techniques to force bash to forward (nix only).
Bash reverse shells:
Bash /dev/tcp redirection shell
Obfuscation: a couple examples of obfuscation in bash reverse shells.
jRevShell - Complete reverse shell, nothing excluded. Tries many techniques to get the shell through including; netcat (local and download), bash, raw sockets, xterm, and eventually more. Windows, Linux, OS X, BSD.
jRevLCat - A heavier version of jRevCat that packages netcat inside specified JAR (or inside the java itself as variable).
jRevMet - Attempt to get a meterpreter reverse shell by downloading the executable.
jRevMetL - Package meterpreter shell into JAR (or inside the java itsef).
jRevWeb - Creates a website to pass on commands (IDS evasion).
Python reverse shells:
Ruby reverse shells:
Perl reverse shells:
PHP reverse shells:
Misc. collection of shells:
- xterm
See LICENSE file for more info. The ncat tools that are packaged with some of the code are under CCv3 (see more here: http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html#nmap-copyright )