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plk-api2ts is an efficient engineering tool that can convert Swagger (version 2) documents into TypeScript files. The main goal of this tool is to automate the type definitions of backend interfaces, convert them into frontend code, thereby eliminating the need for manual type definition writing.

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plk-api2ts is an efficient engineering tool that can convert Swagger (version 2) documents into TypeScript files. The main goal of this tool is to automate the type definitions of backend interfaces, convert them into frontend code, thereby eliminating the need for manual type definition writing.

By using plk-api2ts, you can greatly improve development efficiency, reduce errors, and ensure the type consistency of front-end and back-end interfaces. This tool is particularly suitable for use in large projects, which may contain a large number of interfaces and type definitions.

English | 简体中文

Main Features

  1. Automation: With just one-time setup, you can automatically convert backend Swagger documents into TypeScript files.
  2. Accuracy: By generating type definitions directly from Swagger documents, you can ensure the type consistency of front-end and back-end interfaces.
  3. High Efficiency: The need for manual writing and updating of type definitions is eliminated, greatly improving development efficiency.
  4. Convenience: It can be used as a command-line tool to directly convert Swagger data into TypeScript files, and it also supports clearing Swagger JSON data files after conversion.

How to Get Started

  1. Installation
npm install plk-api2ts -D
  1. Add a configuration file api2ts.config.js(this can be omitted if only using the command-line tool to convert Swagger to TypeScript)
const path = require("path");

module.exports = () => {
  return {
    output: path.resolve(__dirname, "./autoApi"),
    serviceMap: {
      yourServiceName: "your api path",
  1. Configure Commands
  "scripts": {
    "api2ts": "api2ts",
  1. Run the command to automatically generate interface type definitions.

Only update the definition files.

npm run api2ts
  1. View Help Information
npx api2ts --help


options desc type default
output File Generation Directory (Full Path) string path.join(process.cwd(), "./api2ts")
serviceMap Services to be Converted Record<string, string> null
serviceNameToPath Whether to Add Subdirectories Based on Service Name boolean false
apiPath Path of the Type Data Request (Fill in according to actual situation) string "/v2/api-docs" (--api-path=xxx)
translate Whether to Enable Translation (Automatically Translate Chinese into Corresponding English) boolean false( --translate=true )
contentTemplate Custom Content Template See the explanation below. See the explanation below.
customContent Customize File Addition Content ( data: any, definitionsFile: SourceFile, transFormType: (arg: any) => string ) => Promise See the explanation below.
interfacePrefix Custom Prefix for interface string 'I'
enumPrefix Custom Prefix for enum string 'E'
createTsFile Generate ts Files boolean true ( --ts=false )
createJsonFile Generate json Files boolean false ( --json=true )
clearJsonFile Clean Up json Files boolean false ( --type=clear )
newLineKind End of Line Sequence 'CRLF'|'LF' 'LF'( --nlk=CRLF )
sort When generating interfaces, sort member names (the order of data content keys is unstable, enabling this can prevent invalid file changes) boolean false (--sort=true )
transformOriginType Customize the Conversion of Type Types within Swagger (define: swagger) => "string"| "number"|"boolean"|"[]"|"{}" See the details below for explanation.
pathFilter Filter Target Items (Used for Updating a Single Interface) (path: string) => boolean () => true

contentTemplate default value

Will eventually be consumed by ·customContent·

export const contentTemplate = `import { http } from "@/api/http";
* @author <% author %> 
* @desc <% desc %>
* @link <% docUrl %>
export default function fetchMethod(options: <% argumentsDefine %> , extraOptions?: any) {
    return http<<% responseDefine %>>(
            url: "<% path %>",
            method: "<% method %>",

By using custom templates, over 90% of custom scenarios can be satisfied.

customContentdefault value

Unless you have a 100% custom content requirement, it is more recommended to use contentTemplate to configure your custom content.

import { SourceFile } from "ts-morph";

export const customContent = async (
  data: any,
  definitionsFile: SourceFile,
  contentTemplate: string,
  transFormType: (arg: any) => string
) => {
  const typeInfoArr: ITypeInfo[] = [];
  for (let url in data.paths) {
    const fetchDefines = data.paths[url];
    for (let methodStr in fetchDefines) {
      const methodDefine = fetchDefines[methodStr];
      const docUrl = `http://${
      const author = methodDefine?.["x-author"] || "";
      const desc = methodDefine?.["summary"] || "";
      const path = url;
      const method = methodStr.toUpperCase();
      const responseDefineSchema = methodDefine.responses?.[200]?.schema;
      const responseDefine = responseDefineSchema
        ? `${transFormType(responseDefineSchema)}`
        : "any";
      let bodyDefine: any;
      let queryDefine: any;
      let arrayQueryDefineMap: Record<string, any> = {};
      methodDefine.parameters?.forEach((paramsDefine: any) => {
        if ( === "body") {
          bodyDefine = paramsDefine;
        if ( === "query") {
          if (!queryDefine) {
            queryDefine = {
              in: "query",
              schema: {
                type: "object",
                properties: {},
          if ("[0]")) {
            const keyArr ="[0].");
            const name = keyArr[0];
            const key = keyArr[1];
            let targetDefine = arrayQueryDefineMap[name];
            if (!targetDefine) {
              targetDefine = {
                type: "array",
                items: {
                  type: "object",
                  properties: {},
  [key] = paramsDefine;
            arrayQueryDefineMap[name] = targetDefine;
          } else {
  [] = paramsDefine;
      if (queryDefine) { = {
      const defineArr = [bodyDefine, queryDefine].filter(Boolean);
      const argumentsDefine = (() => {
        let str = "{";
        defineArr.forEach((defineItem, index) => {
          const name = === "body" ? "data" : "params";
          if (index) {
            str += ",";
          str += `${name}: ${transFormType(defineItem.schema)}`;
        str += "}";
        return str;

  typeInfoArr.forEach((typeInfo) => {
    let str = contentTemplate;
    console.log("contentTemplate: ", contentTemplate);
    Object.keys(typeInfo).forEach((key) => {
      const target = `<% ${key} %>`;
      str = str.replace(target, typeInfo[key as keyof ITypeInfo]);

Result Example

import { http } from "@/api/http";

* @author 张三
* @link http://yourdocpath/doc.html#/default/exportUsingPOST
export default function fetchMethod(options: { data: IProcessDataSearchVO }, extraOptions?: any) {
    return http<IJSONResultlong>(
            url: "/masterdata-service/allocationOrder/export",
            method: "POST",
/** 流程数据搜索VO */
export interface IProcessDataSearchVO {
    /** undefined */
    showFieldSerialNoList?: string[];
    /** 全局搜索 */
    allSearch?: string;
    /** 当前页面 */
    pageNo?: number;
    /** 字段搜索 */
    dataSearchList?: IProcessDataDetailsSearchVO[];
    /** 分页大小 */
    pageSize?: number;
    /** 排序字段集 */
    orders?: IPagingSortVO[];
    /** 明细表表code,传值后,将会查询明细表数据 */
    tableColumnCode?: string;
    /** 当前的表单分组 */
    currentFormDataGrouping?: IFormDataGroupingDTO;
    /** 操作员工id */
    opUserId?: string;
    /** 操作角色id集 */
    opRoleIds?: string[];
    /** 操作部门id */
    opDeptId?: string;
/** 流程数据明细搜索VO */
export interface IProcessDataDetailsSearchVO {
    /** 列code */
    code: string;
    /** 搜索类型 */
    searchType: EProcessDataDetailsSearchVO_searchType;
    /** 搜索文本 - 针对文本搜索 */
    text?: string;
    /** 搜索起始值 - 针对范围搜索 */
    limitBegin?: Record<string, any>;
    /** 搜索结束值 - 针对范围搜索 */
    limitEnd?: Record<string, any>;
    /** 搜索选项值 - 针对选择搜索 */
    selectors?: Record<string, any>[];
    /** 表格编码 */
    tableCode?: string;
/** 分页排序VO */
export interface IPagingSortVO {
    /** undefined */
    column?: string;
    /** undefined */
    isAsc?: EPagingSortVO_isAsc;
/** 表单数据分组DTO */
export interface IFormDataGroupingDTO {
    /** 分组字段序列 */
    groupingFieldSerialNo?: string;
    /** 分组字段编码 */
    groupFieldCode?: string;
    /** 分组的值, 如果是关联表单,则是ID */
    groupingValue?: string;
    /** 分组名称 */
    groupingName?: string;
    /** 下级分组 */
    children?: IFormDataGroupingDTO[];
    /** 级联表单数据,  级联表单的上下级关系  - Y, 多字段分组关系 - N */
    cascadeFormData?: EFormDataGroupingDTO_cascadeFormData;
    /** 多级基础数据上级ID */
    treeDataParentId?: string;
/** JSONResult«long» */
export interface IJSONResultlong {
    /** 返回码 */
    code?: number;
    /** 返回消息说明 */
    msg?: string;
    /** 响应结果 */
    data?: string;
    /** 服务器结果返回时的 Unix timestamp,单位毫秒 */
    ts?: string;

export enum EProcessDataDetailsSearchVO_searchType {
    NONE = "NONE",
    EQ = "EQ",
    LIKE = "LIKE",
    RANGE = "RANGE",
    IS_NULL = "IS_NULL",
    NE = "NE",

export enum EPagingSortVO_isAsc {
    Y = "Y",
    N = "N"

export enum EFormDataGroupingDTO_cascadeFormData {
    /** 是 */
    Y = "Y",
    /** 否 */
    N = "N"

transformOriginTypedefault value

export const transformOriginType = (define: any): string => {
  const typeName = `${define.type}${define.format ? `(${define.format})` : ""}`;

  const defaultTypeMap = {
    string: "string",
    "string(date-time)": "string",
    "string(date)": "string",
    integer: "number",
    "integer(int64)": "string",
    "integer(int32)": "number",
    number: "number",
    boolean: "boolean",
    array: "[]",
    object: "{}",
  return defaultTypeMap[typeName as keyof typeof defaultTypeMap] as string;


  1. Customize the Content Generated When Adding Files
const path = require("path");

module.exports = () => {
  return {
    output: path.resolve(__dirname, "./autoApi"),
    serviceMap: {
      yourServiceName: "your api path",
    // Satisfies over 90% of custom content requirements
    contentTemplate: 'Your Custom Content',
    // Only use when you need to fully customize your file content
    customContent: () => '// Custom Content'
  1. The automatically generated translation name does not meet the requirements. Modify the dictionary content in translateCache.json and re-execute the code generation logic.
npm run api2ts
  1. Customize the Update of a Specific Interface
npx api2ts --filter=Your Interface Request Path
  1. Swagger file needed to generate the interface
npx api2ts --json=true
  1. Need to clear the generated swagger files.
npx api2ts --type=clear
  1. Currently have a Swagger file and want to convert it to TS definitions.
npx api2ts --type=transform
  1. Specify the Swagger files in the conversion folder to TypeScript.
npx api2ts --type=transform --target=./your_path
  1. Specify the Swagger files in the conversion folder to TypeScript and translate the interface names into English.
npx api2ts --type=transform --target=./your_path --translate=true
  1. Clear the Swagger files in the conversion folder.
npx api2ts --type=clear --target=./your_path

Feature List

Feature Supported
Fetch Interface Swagger Data yes
Generate Interface Data Type Definitions yes
Translate Interface Definition Names yes
Adjust Translation Results of Interface Definitions yes
Customize API Services yes
Create Folders and Classify According to Service Names yes
Customize File Content Template yes
Customize Generated File Content yes
Update Single Interface Data yes
Convert the Swagger data files in the specified folder into TypeScript yes
Clean up Swagger json Data Files yes

©️ License


In Conclusion

Everyone is welcome to raise issues, but I hope you can provide your configuration, or provide the swagger json data where the type conversion is abnormal, and clearly describe how to reproduce the problem. I will clean up issues irregularly. Finally, I hope everyone can enjoy coding, and no longer need to write ts code related to api ☺


plk-api2ts is an efficient engineering tool that can convert Swagger (version 2) documents into TypeScript files. The main goal of this tool is to automate the type definitions of backend interfaces, convert them into frontend code, thereby eliminating the need for manual type definition writing.






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