Live Link
- Todo App is a Daily Task Tracking Application developed with NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB and EJS.
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- MongoDB
- Vercel
- Git & GitHub
Before running this project, make sure you have the following installed:
Node.js: Download and Install Node.js
MongoDB: Download and Install MongoDB
Follow these steps to set up the application:
Open Powershell/Terminal and Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd Todo-App
Install the required dependencies:
npm install or npm i
Install additional packages:
npm install mongoose lodash ejs express
To run the To-Do List App, perform the following actions:
Open a new PowerShell window.
Start the MongoDB:
Open another PowerShell window.
Launch the MongoDB shell: ( Or use MongoDB Compass integrated Mongosh Shell)
Open another PowerShell window and Navigate to the project directory:
cd Todo-App
Start the application using nodemon: ( install nodemon globally)
nodemon app.js
Open a web browser and navigate to localhost:3000 to access the application. Use localhost:3000/work and whatever you want to create new todo list.