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Xplore - Your Gateway to Seamless Travel 🌍✈️. Discover the world with our feature-packed Travel Agency Website! User-friendly profiles, advanced service browsing, and real-time bookings. Admins have full control, and super admins manage it all. Built with Redux, Nextjs, TypeScript, Node.js, Prisma, PostgreSQL, Express, and more. #TravelTech

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XploreHub - Your Gateway to Seamless Travel Experiences

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Credentials Table

Role Email Password
Super Admin [email protected] 123456
Admin [email protected] 123456
Tourist [email protected] 123456

How to Use Credentials

  1. Super Admin:

    • Email: [email protected]
    • Password: 123456
    • The Super Admin has access to all features and functionalities of the website, including user, service, and content management. Use these credentials to log in and manage the website at an administrative level.
  2. Admin:

    • Email: [email protected]
    • Password: 123456
    • Admin accounts have control over user management, service management, booking management, and content management. Log in using these credentials to access the admin dashboard and perform administrative tasks.
  3. Tourist:

    • Email: [email protected]
    • Password: 123456
    • Tourist accounts are for regular users who can browse and book travel services. Use these credentials to log in as a tourist, explore available services, and make bookings on the website.

Make sure to keep these credentials secure and not share them with unauthorized individuals. If you have any specific tasks related to these credentials or the website, feel free to let me know!

🌍 Welcome to XploreHub - Your Gateway to Extraordinary Travel Experiences!

Unveil the magic of the Travel Agency Website through this detailed README, where we unravel a world of features, functionalities, and cutting-edge technologies that power this platform. Tailored for users, administrators, and super administrators, XploreHub stands as a beacon, providing an all-encompassing platform for unparalleled travel services.

Embark on a journey with us as we delve into the intricacies that make XploreHub the epitome of seamless travel exploration.

Table of Contents

πŸš€ Introduction - Welcome to XploreHub, your all-in-one platform for seamless travel experiences.
πŸ‘€ User Features - Explore the user-centric functionalities, from registration to service browsing and reviews.
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό Admin Features - Gain insights into the powerful tools available for administrators to manage services and users.
🌟 Super Admin Features - Discover the capabilities super administrators have in overseeing the entire system.
πŸ”§ Installation - Follow the documentation for a smooth setup of the Travel Agency Website.
πŸ“˜ Usage - Maximize the benefits by following the step-by-step guide for users, admins, and super admins.
🀝 Contributing - Join the community and contribute to the enhancement of XploreHub. Learn how to report issues and suggest improvements.
πŸ’» Technologies - Get to know the technologies that power XploreHub, from frontend to hosting and deployment.
πŸ“„ License - Understand the open-source nature of XploreHub and review licensing details.

Technologies πŸš€

The XploreHub - Travel Agency Website is an exciting fusion of cutting-edge technologies:

- HTML, CSS, Typescript
- Frontend Framework (e.g., Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Ant Design)
- Responsive Design (e.g., Flexbox, Grid)

- Backend Framework (e.g., Node.js, Express, Typescript, Prisma)
- Database Management System (e.g., PostgreSQL, MongoDB)
- RESTful API Architecture

User Authentication:
- OAuth, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), Next.js Middleware

Hosting and Deployment:
- Cloud Hosting (e.g., Superbase, Cloudinary, Vercel)
- Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) πŸ”„

Version Control:
- Git, GitHub
- GitFlow Workflow 🌊

Monitoring and Analytics:
- Logging (e.g., Winston, Morgan) πŸ“Š
- Error Tracking (e.g., Sentry) 🚨
- Analytics Integration (e.g., Google Analytics) πŸ“ˆ

- HTTPS πŸ”’
- Content Security Policy (CSP) πŸ›‘οΈ
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) 🌐

- Unit Testing (e.g., Jest) πŸ§ͺ
- End-to-End Testing (e.g., Cypress) 🌐

Collaboration and Communication:
- Project Management (e.g., Jira, Trello) πŸ“‹
- Communication (e.g., Slack) πŸ’¬

User Features πŸ§‘β€πŸ’Ό

  1. Registration and Authentication πŸ“πŸ”

    • User registration with a valid email address and secure password.
    • Password validation and encryption for user security.
    • User login system for account access.
  2. Profile Management πŸ§‘β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘

    • Creation and comprehensive management of user profiles, including personal information and travel preferences.
    • A user-friendly interface for editing profiles with ease.
    • Profile viewing and editing capabilities.
  3. Service Browsing πŸŒπŸ”

    • Seamless browsing of available travel services.
    • Advanced search functionality allowing users to find services by name, location, and category.
    • User-friendly filters for services based on price range and other relevant criteria.
  4. Booking Services πŸ—“οΈπŸŽ«

    • Intuitive service selection with available dates and times.
    • A smooth and user-friendly booking process with instant confirmation.
    • Real-time tracking of booking status.
    • Flexibility for users to cancel bookings when necessary.
  5. Reviews and Ratings β­πŸ“

    • Opportunity for users to leave detailed reviews and ratings for services they've booked.
    • Displaying reviews and ratings prominently on service listings.
  6. Notifications πŸ“¬πŸ””

    • A dedicated notifications center for users to receive booking confirmations, reminders, and important updates (optional - read-only).
    • A user dashboard displaying complete booking history and statuses.
  7. Feedback πŸ€”πŸ“£

    • User-friendly feedback forms for comments and suggestions, ensuring an open channel for user input.

Admin Features πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό

  1. Admin Dashboard πŸ–₯οΈπŸ“Š

    • A centralized dashboard offering administrators real-time insights and control over website activities.
  2. User Management πŸ‘€βœ…

    • Full authority to add, edit, and manage user accounts, ensuring smooth user experiences.
  3. Service Management πŸŒπŸ› οΈ

    • Comprehensive service management tools for administrators, allowing the addition, editing, and removal of service listings.
    • Complete control over pricing, descriptions, and availability management.
  4. Booking Management πŸ—“οΈπŸ“Š

    • A robust booking management system for administrators to view, accept, reject, or adjust schedules as needed.
  5. Content Management πŸ“„βœοΈ

    • An extensive content management system for administrators to control website content, including blog posts and FAQs.
    • User-friendly admin profile management tools.

Super Admin Features πŸ‘‘πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό

  1. Admin Management πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Όβœ¨
    • Super administrators can add new admin users to the system and define their roles.
    • A dedicated profile management system for super administrators to update their personal information.

Installation πŸ› οΈ

For a seamless setup of the Travel Agency Website, please consult our comprehensive installation documentation. This guide meticulously outlines the prerequisites, dependencies, and the deployment process, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free installation experience.

Usage πŸš€

Unlock the full potential of the Travel Agency Website by delving into our detailed usage guide. This resource is crafted to cater to the needs of users, administrators, and super administrators. Gain valuable insights through step-by-step instructions, expert tips, and best practices, allowing you to navigate and leverage the website's features effectively.

Contributing 🀝

Your contributions to the Travel Agency Website are highly valued. If you aspire to contribute to this project, we encourage you to review our contribution guidelines. Familiarize yourself with the process of reporting issues or suggesting improvements. Your expertise and insights play a crucial role in enhancing the functionality and user experience of our platform.

License πŸ“œ

The Travel Agency Website is an open-source project, licensed under [Xplore]. We invite you to carefully review the license file for comprehensive details and licensing information. Your adherence to the licensing terms ensures a collaborative and transparent environment for the entire community.


Xplore - Your Gateway to Seamless Travel 🌍✈️. Discover the world with our feature-packed Travel Agency Website! User-friendly profiles, advanced service browsing, and real-time bookings. Admins have full control, and super admins manage it all. Built with Redux, Nextjs, TypeScript, Node.js, Prisma, PostgreSQL, Express, and more. #TravelTech







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