HomeMatic-Open-Central-Control-Unit-SDK (HM-OCCU-SDK)
- CPU Support
- Binary Packages
- Supported communication devices
- CCU2 Toolchain
- Support
- OCCU based Community Projects
- Version History
The HM-OCCU-SDK contains several binary packages for different CPU architectures. The CPU architectures are tested on the following hardware:
subfolder arm-gnueabihf:
- Raspberry Pi
- Cubietruck (Cubian)
subfolder X86_32:
- Debian Wheezy
subfolder mips (outdated):
- vu+ solo² with vti Image
The script install.sh in the cpu specific subfolder copies all binary packages to /opt/hm. This script is just an example and can be enhanced by the community. Some Linux distributions like OpenELEC have a readonly root filesystem, so the installation script must be changed (replace /opt/hm by /storage/hm).
Further CPU specific information can be found in the CPU architecture specific subfolder.
Each CPU subfolder contains the following binary packages:
- subfolder packages-eQ-3/RFD: Radio Frequency Daemon
- subfolder packages-eQ-3/HS485D: (wired) HS485 Daemon
- subfolder packages-eQ-3/WebUI: pre-alpha many CCU2 specific functions must be replaced
- subfolder packages/lighttpd: preconfigured HTTP daemon
- HM-LGW-O-TW-W-EU LAN Gateway
- HM-CFG-LAN (limited support, OTAU (Over The Air Updates) not possible)
- HMW-LGW-O-DR-GS-EU Wired LAN Gateway
- HM-Cfg-USB-2 (experimental, not official supported)
- HmIP-RFUSB (HmIP only)
With the CCU2 toolchain it is possible to compile C/C++ programms and build installable CCU2 add-ons. It is also possible to build CCU2 images with additional software, e.g. the Email add-on, which can be installed as normal CCU2 updates.
The HM-OCCU-SDK is provided free of charge. If you want any commercial support please contact [email protected].
- Hmcon - Installer Script for rfd, hs485d and Homematic Manager. "The ReGa-less CCU" for use with Software like OpenHAB, ioBroker, ...
- RaspberryMatic - A collaborate effort to create an open sourced HomeMatic-aware distribution for the RaspberryPi platform based on buildroot.
- X86 Docker Container (e.g. for QNAP Stations)
- OGEMA - open energy management; Homematic driver (https://www.ogema-source.net/wiki/display/OGEMA/Homematic+XML-RPC+high+level+driver)
2017-03-31: Version 2.27.8
- Create 2.27.8 release tag.
2017-03-13: Version 2.27.7
- Create 2.27.7 release tag.
2017-01-27: Version 2.25.15
- Create 2.25.15 release tag.
2016-07-29: Version 2.21.10
- Update to CCU2 2.21.10 release.
2016-06-06: Version 2.19.9
- Update to CCU2 2.19.9 release.
2016-05-29: Version 2.17.15
- Update to CCU2 2.17.15 release.
2016-01-24: Version 2.15.5
- Update to CCU2 2.15.5 release.
2015-04-02: Version 1.0.0
- First initial version, no change history.