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Working with entities

Radik edited this page Aug 22, 2024 · 1 revision

You'll need to create your own entities for your game. If you want to use entities from Half-Life 2 then you should implement entities logic on your own. All entities should be in @tool mode, extended from ValveIONode and placed in the folder that you assigned in the config (entitiesFolder).

  1. Create script of an entity.
  2. Create a 3d scene with the same name and assign the script.
  3. Try to import your map with entity.

Inputs of entities are just methods with a single parameter that passed from outputs

Outputs should be called by method trigger_output (from signal for example)


extends ValveIONode

signal interact();

const FLAG_ONCE = 2;
const FLAG_STARTS_LOCKED = 2048;

var isLocked = false;
var isUsed = false;

var sound = null;
var lockedSound = null;

## Use this instead _ready
func _entity_ready():
	isLocked = has_flag(FLAG_STARTS_LOCKED);

	# Once we trigger this signal we triggering the entity's outputs.
	interact.connect(func ():
		if isLocked:
			if lockedSound:
				SoundManager.PlaySound(global_position, lockedSound, 0.05);
			if has_flag(FLAG_ONCE) and isUsed:

			if sound:
				SoundManager.PlaySound(global_position, sound, 0.05);
			isUsed = true);

	if "sound" in entity:
		sound = load("res://Assets/Sounds/" + entity.sound);

	if "locked_sound" in entity:
		lockedSound = load("res://Assets/Sounds/" + entity.locked_sound);

# This method will be called during import
func _apply_entity(entityInfo: Dictionary):
	super._apply_entity(entityInfo, vmfNode);

	# Getting entity's brush geometry and assigning it
	var mesh = get_mesh();

	# Generating collision for the assigned mesh.
	$MeshInstance3D/StaticBody3D/CollisionShape3D.shape = mesh.create_convex_shape();

func Lock(_param = null):
	isLocked = true;

func Unlock(_param = null):
	isLocked = false;


The Base of all entities. Contains I/O logic and some useful methods for entities.

All entities extends from this node will always have these inputs so you don't need to define it.

  • Toggle - toggles enabled field of the entity
  • Enable - enable the entity
  • Disable - disables and blocks outputs for the entity
  • Kill - removes the node from tree



Means that all outputs and reparents are ready to use. Use this method instead of _ready.

_apply_entity(entityData: Dictionary, vmfNode: VMFNode)

This method called by VMFNode during import entities and needs to make some setup for entities, such as assigning brushes, generation collisions and so on.

Don't forget to call super._apply_entity before making any changes in the node.


func _apply_entity(entityInfo: Dictionary):
	super._apply_entity(entityInfo, vmfNode);

	# Getting a mesh from the solid data of the entity and assigning
	var mesh = get_mesh();

	# Generating a collision shape for the mesh
	$MeshInstance3D/StaticBody3D/CollisionShape3D.shape = mesh.create_convex_shape();

has_flag(flag: int) -> bool

Checks the spawnflags field of the entity.


const FLAG_STARTS_LOCKED = 2048;
var isLocked = false;

func _entity_ready():
	if has_flag(FLAG_STARTS_LOCKED):
		isLocked = true;

trigger_output(outputName: string):

Triggers outputs that defined in the entity.


	if isLocked:

get_mesh() -> ArrayMesh

Returns entity's solids as ArrayMesh.

get_entity_shape() -> Shape:

Returns optimized collision shape for the entity's solids (trimesh or convex. Depends of brushes count inside of entity). Uses CSGMesh for shape generation

get_entity_convex_shape() -> Shape

Returns a convex shape for the entity's brushes

get_entity_trimesh_shape() -> Shape

Returns optimized trimesh shape for the entity's brushes

get_entity_basis(entity: Dictionary) -> Basis [static]

Returns rotation state for specified entity.

get_movement_vector(vec: Vector3) -> Vector3 [static]

Returns directional vector from specified vector. If an entity has movement direction property (i.e. func_door, func_button) use this function to convert the direction.

convert_vector(v: Vector3) -> Vector3 [static]

Converts Vector3 of position from Z-up to Y-up.

convert_direction(v: Vector3) -> Vector3 [static]

Converts Vector3 of rotation from Z-up to Y-up.

define_alias(name: string, value: ValveIONode) [static]

Defines global alias to node for using in I/O.



func _entity_ready():
	ValveIONode.define_alias('!player', self);

get_target(targetName: string) -> ValveIONode

Returns first node by target name assigned in entity.

get_all_targets(targetName: string) -> ValveIONode[]

Returns all nodes by target name assigned in entities.