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The IrrlichtWidget class is a widget which allows you to use Irrlicht in Qt. It inherits from Qt's QWidget class.


This library requires Qt5, Irrlicht and C++11 or later to work. You can download Qt here and Irrlicht here.

Start by downloading the file irrlichtwidget.h and save it in the same folder as your project source code.

Download the file irrlichtwidget.h, save it to the folder containing your project source code, add it to your project and write #include "irrlichtwidget.h" in each file where you want to use the widget. You also need to add Irrlicht to your project, to do so in Qt Creator, add the following code to your .pro file, replacing (IRRLICHTPATH) with the path where you installed Irrlicht and (YOUR OS) with either Win64-visualstudio, Win32-visualstudio, Linux or MacOSX:

LIBS += "(IRRLICHTPATH)/lib/(YOUR OS)" -lIrrlicht

Also, if you're using Windows, don't forget to copy Irrlicht.dll to the build directory. You can download Irrlicht.dll here for 32-bit programs and here for 64-bit programs. These Irrlicht.dll files are the same as the ones made by Irrlicht.


Constructors of the IrrlichtWidget class

  1. IrrlichtWidget(irr::u32 width = 600, irr::u32 height = 400, irr::video::E_DRIVER_TYPE driverType = irr::video::EDT_OPENGL, QWidget *parent = nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags f = Qt::WindowFlags())

    Creates an Irrlicht widget with width width, height height, Irrlicht driver type driverType, parent widget parent and window flags f.

  2. IrrlichtWidget(QSize size, irr::video::E_DRIVER_TYPE driverType = irr::video::EDT_OPENGL, QWidget *parent = nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags f = Qt::WindowFlags())

    Same as constructor (1) but allows you to specify the widget size as a QSize instead of two integers.

  3. IrrlichtWidget(irr::video::E_DRIVER_TYPE driverType, QWidget *parent = nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags f = Qt::WindowFlags())

    Same as constructor (1) with the width parameter equal to 600 and the height parameter equal to 400.

  4. IrrlichtWidget(irr::u32 width, irr::u32 height, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f = Qt::WindowFlags())

    Same as contructor (1) with the driverType parameter equal to irr::video::EDT_OPENGL.

  5. IrrlichtWidget(QSize size, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f = Qt::WindowFlags())

    Same as contructor (2) with the driverType parameter equal to irr::video::EDT_OPENGL.

  6. IrrlichtWidget(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f = Qt::WindowFlags())

    Same as constructor (1) with the width parameter equal to 600, the height parameter equal to 400 and the driverType parameter equal to irr::video::EDT_OPENGL.

Methods of the IrrlichtWidget class

  • 260 methods inherited from QWidget. See

  • bool paused() const

    Returns true if the widget is paused and false otherwise. See also the slots void setPaused(bool paused), void pause() and void resume().

  • irr::IrrlichtDevice *getIrrlichtDevice() const

    Returns the Irrlicht device associated to the widget.

Slots of the IrrlichtWidget class

  • 20 slots inherited from QWidget. See

  • void setPaused(bool paused)

    If paused is true, pauses the Irrlicht widget so that nothing moves in it. If paused is false, unpauses the Irrlicht widget.

  • void pause()

    Same as setPaused(true).

  • void resume()

    Same as setPaused(false).

Signals of the IrrlichtWidget class

  • 5 signals inherited from QWidget. See

  • void inIrrlichtEventLoop()

    This signal is emitted whenever the Irrlicht event loop should be run. The following code with the Irrlicht widget:

    QObject::connect(irrlichtWidget, &IrrlichtWidget::inIrrlichtEventLoop, [](){

    is the same as the following code in plain Irrlicht:


    You don't have to call device->run() with the Irrlicht widget, it is already called internally.

Static methods of the IrrlichtWidget class

  • 16 static methods inerited from QWidget. See

  • static void showMessageBox(std::function<void(QMessageBox::StandardButton)> lambda, QWidget *parent, const QString &title, const QString &text, QMessageBox::Icon icon = QMessageBox::Information, QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> buttons = QMessageBox::Ok)

    Shows a message box with parent widget parent, window title title, message text, icon icon and buttons buttons, and runs lambda after the message box was closed. This static method is similar to QMessageBox::information etc, but the QMessageBox static methods make the Irrlicht widget become black while they are open.

  • static void showMessageBox(QWidget *parent, const QString &title, const QString &text, QMessageBox::Icon icon = QMessageBox::Information, QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> buttons = QMessageBox::Ok)

    Same as showMessageBox([](){}, parent, title, text, icon, buttons).


You can download an example Qt project which uses the Irrlicht widget here.