Tested on Netbox 3.2 +
Tested on Zabbix 6 +
Cisco Devices:
- Script uses "confluence url page" or "txt file in the same folder" to get ip list to connect
- Script gathers all needed info by ssh
- Parses data and writes into api/"device_name".csv files in json format (Some examples are in api folder)
- Creates entities in Netbox (devices, interfaces, prefixes, ip addresses, vlans, cdp connections, inventory)
- Zabbix script goes through all devices and creates/updates hosts on Zabbix server
- Script gathers all needed info from ESXI server by "pyVim" module
- Creates entities in Netbox
- Script's main purpose is full integration between Cisco and Netbox (https://netbox.readthedocs.io/en/stable/)
- Script works fine with IOS, NX-OS, XR, SG-220, Air-OS but can have some problems with "slow" devices when getting responce takes a long time.
- Use -- help when running script in cmd
To run the script once a day in a background just add this line to crontab file:
- 0 0 * * * (cd /path_to_script_folder && env/bin/python Cisco_To_Json.py -f confluence && env/bin/python Cisco_To_Netbox.py -l all && env/bin/python Netbox_To_Zabbix.py ) > /path_to_log_folder/Cron_Logs.txt
- Examples to run basic script "Script Cisco_To_Json.py -f confluence | all | test"
- Script Cisco_To_Netbox uses custom fields, you must add these fields to write acl information
- IMPORTANT! Devices are associated with sites by their hostname. Hostname MUST include a site_name. For example 78-SITE_NAME-ASW01. 78 - is a city code.
- For Cisco ASR edit chars = ['RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:', '>', '#'] variable in Cisco_To_json.py according to your asr devices hostnames to cut theese chars off
- Highly recommended to include "router" and "switch_layer_3" to device_role list in Netbox, this is a cryteria by which script adds description to prefixes
- Script might fail trying to connect to some devices ,especially when connecting to more than 20 devices simultaneously in a thread.
- Script worked fine and was tested in one Enterprise network environment only, and some templates were edited to work in that environment!
Create all needed folders first
- Edit yaml file
- Run a .py file in cmd or all of them via Cron, use --help to see all possible arguments