This is googHUD! A hud designed for Team Fortress 2, specifically with competitive in mind to give the most important information to the player without overbearing them. The idea is to be simplistic but clean.
To install, press the green "Code" on github, then download ZIP. Once downloaded, open/unzip the file and drag the folder "googhud-main" into \Team Fortress 2\tf\custom
Currently 1.3.1 release. this upodate includes:
- UI scaling fixes
- Halloween slime goop thing fix for zombie mode
Screenshots: here
Thanks to the following folks who I borrowed hud elements from:
cibacity - cibahud (base) static - voidhud nokk - ahud quickkennedy - cutehud peaches - xhud mrcolour - colourhud whisker - budhud paolo - noobpanzerhud lava - base for uber counter jarateking - HUD Reference Wiki
this is still not even close to where i want this hud to be, and more updates are to come. major plans include:
- more and better customization folder options
- more and better customization menu options
- tf2hudeditor integration
I've been working on this by myself but if anyone is interested in helping out or even providing feedback, I'd really appreciate it! my discord is greysucks
googHUD made by grey