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Sales and Inventory Management mONster


Simon은 사용자가 판매 및 재고를 관리할 수 있는 서비스입니다.


Project setup

$ pnpm install

Compile and run the project

# development
$ pnpm run start

# watch mode
$ pnpm run start:dev

# production mode
$ pnpm run start:prod

Run tests

# unit tests
$ pnpm run test

# e2e tests
$ pnpm run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ pnpm run test:cov


Simon은 다음과 같은 기술을 사용하여 구현되어 있습니다.

  • NestJS: Node.js 프레임워크로 Simon의 서버를 구현합니다.
  • TypeORM: TypeScript ORM으로 Simon의 데이터베이스를 구현합니다.
  • PostgreSQL: Simon의 데이터베이스로 사용합니다.


도메인 위키

    class Product {
        +status [판매중, 판매중지]
        +List~Category~ categories

    class Party {
        +List~PartyGroup~ groups
        +type [개인, 업체]
        +role [구매자, 판매자, 양쪽]

    class Staff {
        +role [관리자, 판매자, 재고관리자, 배송담당자]

    class Sale {
        +List~SaleItem~ items
        +Party customer
        +Staff seller
        +List~Payment~ payments
        +Delivery delivery

    class Estimate {
        +List~EstimateItem~ items
        +Party customer
        +Staff seller
        +Map additionalInfo

    class Receipt {
        +List~ReceiptItem~ items
        +Party customer
        +DeliveryInfo deliveryInfo
        +Staff seller
        +status [판매접수, 판매완료]

    class SaleItem {
        +Product product

    class Order {
        +List~OrderItem~ items
        +Party supplier
        +Staff orderer
        +status [발주대기, 발주완료, 입고대기, 입고완료]

    class OrderItem {
        +Product product

    class Inventory {
        +Product product
        +Staff stockTaker

    class AccountBalance {
        +Party party
        +type [선수금, 미수금, 선급금, 미지급금]

    class Transaction {
        +Party party
        +type [판매, 발주, 수금, 지급, 판매취소, 반품]
        +Staff handler

    class Recovery {
        +Product product
        +Party customer
        +status [회수대기, 회수완료, 분실, 대금지급]

    class Payment {
        +method [현금, 카드, 계좌이체, 기타]
        +Staff handler

    class Delivery {
        +Receipt receipt
        +status [배송준비, 배송중, 배송완료]
        +Staff deliveryStaff

    class Notification {
        +priority [일반, 중요, 긴급]
        +Staff receiver

    class Audit {
        +Staff user

    %% Relationships
    Product "1" --> "*" SaleItem
    Product "1" --> "*" OrderItem
    Product "1" --> "*" Inventory
    Product "*" --> "*" Category

    Party "1" --> "*" Sale
    Party "1" --> "*" Order
    Party "1" --> "*" AccountBalance
    Party "*" --> "*" PartyGroup

    Staff "1" --> "*" Sale
    Staff "1" --> "*" Order
    Staff "1" --> "*" Inventory
    Staff "1" --> "*" Payment
    Staff "1" --> "*" Delivery
    Staff "1" --> "*" Transaction

    Sale "1" --> "*" Payment
    Sale "1" --> "1" Delivery
    Sale "1..*" --> "1" Receipt
    Sale "0..*" --> "1" Estimate

    Order "1" --> "*" OrderItem
    Order "1" --> "1..*" Receive

    AccountBalance "1" --> "*" Transaction

    Delivery "1" --> "1" Receipt

    Recovery --> Product
    Recovery --> Party

    Inventory --> Notification
    AccountBalance --> Notification


        int id PK
        string code UK
        string name
        int price
        string unit
        string capacity
        string specification
        text description
        boolean is_recoverable
        int optimal_stock
        int safety_stock
        enum status
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at

        int id PK
        string name
        int parent_id FK
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at

        int product_id PK, FK
        int category_id PK, FK

    PARTY {
        int id PK
        string code UK
        string name
        string alias
        string phone
        string address
        string email
        string business_number
        string industry
        enum type
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at

        int id PK
        string name
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at

        int party_id PK, FK
        int group_id PK, FK

    STAFF {
        int id PK
        string name
        string phone UK
        enum role
        date birth_date
        string address
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at

    SALE {
        int id PK
        int customer_id FK
        int seller_id FK
        int total_amount
        enum status
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at

        int id PK
        int sale_id FK
        int product_id FK
        int quantity
        int price
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at

        int id PK
        string estimate_number UK
        int customer_id FK
        int seller_id FK
        date estimate_date
        date valid_until
        int total_amount
        text customer_request
        json additional_info
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at

        int id PK
        int estimate_id FK
        int product_id FK
        int quantity
        int price
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at

        int id PK
        string receipt_number UK
        int sale_id FK
        int customer_id FK
        int seller_id FK
        date sale_date
        int total_amount
        enum status
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at

        int id PK
        int receipt_id FK
        int product_id FK
        int quantity
        int price
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at

        int id PK
        int product_id FK
        int quantity
        string location
        date stock_taking_date
        int stock_taker_id FK
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at

    ORDER {
        int id PK
        int supplier_id FK
        int orderer_id FK
        date order_date
        date expected_date
        int total_amount
        enum status
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at

        int id PK
        int order_id FK
        int product_id FK
        int order_quantity
        int arrival_quantity
        int price
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at

        int id PK
        int receipt_id FK
        string address
        enum status
        int delivery_staff_id FK
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at

        int id PK
        int product_id FK
        int customer_id FK
        enum status
        date recovery_date
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at

        int id PK
        int receipt_id FK
        int amount
        enum method
        int staff_id FK
        timestamp payment_date
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at

        int id PK
        int party_id FK
        int balance
        enum type
        string status
        timestamp last_modified
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at

        int id PK
        int party_id FK
        int amount
        enum type
        int staff_id FK
        text note
        timestamp transaction_date
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at

        int id PK
        text content
        enum priority
        int receiver_id FK
        boolean is_confirmed
        timestamp notification_date
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at

    AUDIT {
        int id PK
        string event
        int user_id FK
        json payload
        timestamp event_date
        timestamp created_at

    PRODUCT ||--o{ PRODUCT_CATEGORY : "belongs to"
    CATEGORY ||--o{ PRODUCT_CATEGORY : "categorizes"
    CATEGORY ||--o{ CATEGORY : "has parent"

    PARTY ||--o{ PARTY_GROUP_MAPPING : "belongs to"
    PARTY_GROUP ||--o{ PARTY_GROUP_MAPPING : "contains"

    SALE ||--o{ SALE_ITEM : "contains"
    SALE ||--|| RECEIPT : "generates"
    SALE }|--|| PARTY : "customer"
    SALE }|--|| STAFF : "seller"

    ESTIMATE ||--o{ ESTIMATE_ITEM : "contains"
    ESTIMATE }|--|| PARTY : "customer"
    ESTIMATE }|--|| STAFF : "seller"

    RECEIPT ||--o{ RECEIPT_ITEM : "contains"
    RECEIPT ||--o{ PAYMENT : "receives"
    RECEIPT ||--|| DELIVERY : "has"

    ORDER ||--o{ ORDER_ITEM : "contains"
    ORDER }|--|| PARTY : "supplier"
    ORDER }|--|| STAFF : "orderer"

    ACCOUNT_BALANCE }|--|| PARTY : "belongs to"
    TRANSACTION }|--|| PARTY : "involves"

    INVENTORY }|--|| PRODUCT : "stocks"
    RECOVERY }|--|| PRODUCT : "recovers"


판매재고 관리 서비스






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