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Releases: GraphQL-python-archive/graphql-epoxy

graphql-epoxy v0.3 release

17 Nov 21:02
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Add support for subscriptions and bump graphql-core to v0.4.9

You can now define a subscription just like you would a Query:

R = TypeRegistry()

class Query(R.ObjectType):
    a = R.Int

class Subscription(R.ObjectType):
    subscribe_to_foo = R.Boolean(args={'id': R.Int})

    def resolve_subscribe_to_foo(self, obj, args, info):
        return args.get('id') == 1

Schema = R.Schema(R.Query, subscription=R.Subscription)

graphql-epoxy remains un-opinionated as to how you actually want to implement your subscription logic.

graphql-epoxy v0.2 release

04 Nov 20:24
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This is the first stable release of graphql-epoxy support for defining your GraphQL schemas in a simple, pythonic way.

I'm going to copy paste the readme, as it reflects the feature-set in this release!


Defining a GraphQL Schema using Epoxy is as simple as creating a TypeRegistry and using it to create types for you.

from epoxy import TypeRegistry
R = TypeRegistry()

class Character(R.Interface):
    id = R.ID
    name = R.String
    friends = R.Character.List

class Human(R.Implements.Character):
    home_planet = R.String.NonNull

class Query(R.ObjectType):
    human = R.Human
    foo = R.Foo  # This is defined below! Ordering doesn't matter! 

    def resolve_human(self, obj, args, info):
        """This will be used as the description of the field Query.human."""
        return Human(5, 'Bob', [Human(6, 'Bill')]

You can even have epoxy learn about your already defined Python enums.

class MoodStatus(enums.Enum):
    HAPPY = 1
    SAD = 2


And then use it in an ObjectType:

class Foo(R.ObjectType):
    mood = R.MoodStatus
    # or 
    mood = R.Field(R.MoodStatus, description="Describing the mood of Foo, is sometimes pretty hard.")

    def resolve_mood(self, *args):
        return MoodStatus.HAPPY.value

Schema is a GraphQLSchema object. You can now use it with graphql:

schema = R.schema(R.Query)

result = graphql(schema, '''
    human {
        friends {


The schema is now defined as:

enum MoodStatus {

interface Character {
    id: ID
    name: String
    friends: [Character]

type Human implements Character {
    id: ID
    name: String
    friends: [Character]
    homePlanet: String!

type Foo {
    mood: MoodStatus

type Query {
    human: Human
    foo: Foo

Notice that epoxy converted snake_cased fields to camelCase in the GraphQL Schema.

ObjectTypes become containers

You can bring your own objects, (like a Django or SQLAlchemy model), or you can use the class you just created:

me = Human(id=2, name='Jake', home_planet='Earth', friends=[Human(id=3, name='Syrus', home_planet='Earth')])

print(me) # <Human id=2, name='Jake', home_planet='Earth', friends=[<Human id=3, name='Syrus', home_planet='Earth', friends=[]>]]>
print( # Jake

Epoxy will automatically resolve the runtime types of your objects if class that you created from R.ObjectType, but
if you want to bring your own Human (i.e. a model.Model from Django), just tell Epoxy about it! And if you don't want
to, you can just override the is_type_of function inside Human to something more to your liking.


from django.db import models
from my_app.graphql import R

class RealHumanBean(models.Model):
    And a real hero.
    name = models.CharField(name=Name)

# Or if you don't want to use the decorator:


Epoxy also supports defining mutations. Making a Mutation a Relay mutation is as simple as changing R.Mutation to

class AddFriend(R.Mutation):
    class Input:
        human_to_add = R.ID.NonNull

    class Output:
        new_friends_list = R.Human.List

    def resolve(self, obj, human_to_add):
        return self.Output(new_friends_list=obj.friends)

schema = R.schema(R.Query, R.Mutations)

You can then execute the query:

mutation AddFriend {
    addFriend(input: {humanToAdd: 6}) {
        newFriendsList {

Defining custom scalar types:

class DateTime(R.Scalar):
    def serialize(dt):
        return dt.isoformat()

    def parse_literal(node):
        if isinstance(node, ast.StringValue):
            return datetime.datetime.strptime(node.value, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")

    def parse_value(value):
        return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")

Defining input types:

class SimpleInput(R.InputType):
    a = R.Int
    b = R.Int
    some_underscore = R.String
    some_from_field = R.String(default_value='Hello World')

Defining an Enum (using enum module)

from enum import Enum

class MyEnum(Enum):
    FOO = 1
    BAR = 2
    BAZ = 3


Use the force, check out how we've defined the
for the starwars tests, and compare them to the reference implementation's

Relay Support

At this point, Epoxy has rudimentary relay support. Enable support for Relay by mixing in the RelayMixin using

from epoxy.contrib.relay import RelayMixin
from epoxy.contrib.relay.data_source.memory import InMemoryDataSource

# Epoxy provides an "in memory" data source, that implements `epoxy.contrib.relay.data_source.BaseDataSource`,
# which can be used to easily create a mock data source. In practice, you'd implement your own data source.
data_source = InMemoryDataSource()

R = TypeRegistry()
Relay = R.Mixin(RelayMixin, data_source)

Node Definition

Once RelayMixin has been mixed into the Registry, things can subclass Node automatically!

class Pet(R.Implements[Relay.Node]):
    name = R.String

Connection Definition & NodeField

Connections can be defined upon any object type. Here we'll make a Query root node that provides a connection
to a list of pets & a node field to resolve an indivudal node.

class Query(R.ObjectType):
    pets = Relay.Connection('Pet', R.Pet) # The duplicate 'Pet' definition is just temporary and will be removed.
    node = Relay.NodeField


class SimpleAddition(Relay.Mutation):
    class Input:
        a = R.Int
        b = R.Int

    class Output:
        sum = R.Int

    def execute(self, obj, input, info):
        return self.Output(sum=input.a + input.b)

Adding some data!

Let's add some pets to the data_source and query them!

# Schema has to be defined so that all thunks are resolved before we can use `Pet` as a container.
Schema = R.Schema(R.Query)

pet_names = ["Max", "Buddy", "Charlie", "Jack", "Cooper", "Rocky"]

for i, pet_name in enumerate(pet_names, 1):
    data_source.add(Pet(id=i, name=pet_name))

Running Relay Connection Query:

result = graphql(Schema, '''
    pets(first: 5) {
        edges {
            node {
        pageInfo {
    node(id: "UGV0OjU=") {
        ... on Pet {

graphql-epoxy v0.2-alpha-0 release

28 Oct 18:02
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Since Relay was specified for the 0.2 milestone, we are going to just have a 0.2 release.

This release just fixes #4.

graphql-epoxy v0.1-alpha-1 release

27 Oct 20:37
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🐎 Initial Relay Support

Relay Support (WIP)

  • Node
  • Connection & Edges
  • Mutations

At this point, Epoxy has rudimentary relay support. Enable support for Relay by mixing in the RelayMixin using

from epoxy.contrib.relay import RelayMixin
from epoxy.contrib.relay.data_source.memory import InMemoryDataSource

# Epoxy provides an "in memory" data source, that implements `epoxy.contrib.relay.data_source.BaseDataSource`,
# which can be used to easily create a mock data source. In practice, you'd implement your own data source.
data_source = InMemoryDataSource()

R = TypeRegistry()
Relay = R.Mixin(RelayMixin, data_source)

Node Definition

Once RelayMixin has been mixed into the Registry, things can subclass Node automatically!

class Pet(R.Implements[Relay.Node]):
    name = R.String

Connection Definition & NodeField

Connections can be defined upon any object type. Here we'll make a Query root node that provides a connection
to a list of pets & a node field to resolve an indivudal node.

class Query(R.ObjectType):
    pets = Relay.Connection('Pet', R.Pet) # The duplicate 'Pet' definition is just temporary and will be removed.
    node = Relay.NodeField

Adding some data!

Let's add some pets to the data_source and query them!

# Schema has to be defined so that all thunks are resolved before we can use `Pet` as a container.
Schema = R.Schema(R.Query)

pet_names = ["Max", "Buddy", "Charlie", "Jack", "Cooper", "Rocky"]

for i, pet_name in enumerate(pet_names, 1):
    data_source.add(Pet(id=i, name=pet_name))

Running Relay Connection Query:

result = graphql(Schema, '''
    pets(first: 5) {
        edges {
            node {
        pageInfo {
    node(id: "UGV0OjU=") {
        ... on Pet {

graphql-epoxy v0.1-alpha-0 release

26 Oct 20:21
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This marks the first release of graphql-epoxy. The APIs are subject to change, everything is subject to change. But I figured I should get it packaged so that I can start using it.

Things Done So Far


Define a type registry using:

from epoxy import TypeRegistry
R = TypeRegistry()

Object Type Definition

Using the above defined TypeRegistry we can now define our first type:

class Human(R.ObjectType)
    id = R.ID.NonNull
    name = R.String
    age = R.Int
    interests = R.String.List
    friends = R.Human.List

Interface Definition

We can even define interfaces:

class Pet(R.Interface):
    name = R.String

class Dog(R.Implements.Pet):
    bark = R.String

class Cat(R.Implements.Pet):
    meow = R.String

Or even a type that implements multiple interfaces:

class Bean(R.Interface):
    real = R.Boolean
    hero = R.Boolean

class Character(R.Interface):
    id = R.ID
    name = R.String
    friends_with = R.Character.List
    lives_remaining = R.Field(R.Int)

class Human(R.Implements[R.Character, R.Bean]):
    home_planet = R.String

Union Definition

A union can be implemented just as easily:

class PetUnion(R.Union[R.Dog, R.Cat]):

Runtime Type Detection

The is_type_of methods are automatically created for Objects. If you're bringing your own object, you simply need to tell the TypeRegistry of it, using R.<type>.CanBe(klass). Remember, this does not need to be defined after you define the respective ObjectType.

class MyDog(object):
    def __init__(self, name, bark): = name
        self.bark = bark

Object Types as Containers

Additionally, you can use the ObjectTypes you just created as containers.

    Dog(name='Clifford', bark='Really big bark, because it\'s a really big dog.'),
    Cat(name='Garfield', meow='Lasagna')

GraphQL Object Interoperability

Epoxy works great with regular GraphQL object types as well. You can just pass them where-ever you'd expect an R.<type>, with the exception being that if you are defining a field within an ObjectType or Interface, you must wrap it in a call to R.Field.

BuiltInType = GraphQLObjectType(
        'someString': GraphQLField(GraphQLString)

BuiltInTypeTuple = namedtuple('BuiltInTypeData', 'someString')

R = TypeRegistry()

class Query(R.ObjectType):
    built_in_type = R.Field(BuiltInType)

    def resolve_built_in_type(self, obj, args, info):
        return BuiltInTypeTuple('Hello World. I am a string.')

For more examples, check out the tests folder.