iOS-app for Olympiad Trajectory.
API calls and getting some information from the PostgRest server
Parameters which app uses in HTTP-Request:
/limit= - set limit of result (integer number as argument)
/name=like.{sth} - find the name which contains in strings
/size=gte.{some integer number} - find rows where size param is greater then number. (For the 'price' parameter is the same)
/size=lte.{some integer number} - find rows where size param is less then number. (For the 'price' parameter is the same)
/category_id=eq.{some integer number} - find rows where category_id is equal to your number.
/color=in.(Красный,Синий,...) - find rows where someone word from your collection contains in database's string (Size parameter uses too)
/order={name of parameter}.asc - sort the results in order of descending(desc) or ascending(asc).