This project derives from the "Interview challenge for full stack developers" posted by Flybondi, an Argentinian low-cost airline. (Challenge Repo)
The original idea was to make a simple flight search interface for a person that has no particular destiny in mind but it's on a budget.
I decided to take this a step further and created a clone of Flybondi's UI and came up with the concept of "Flybondi Adventures" a flight search engine that allows you to find "random" flights based on your budget. Kind of a "throw a dart at the map" vibe.
The original challenge provided a JSON with flights, but I decided to create my own backend server with a custom database. It consists of a list of all the Argentinian airports that Flybondi operates on, and a list of randomly generated flights that I created with a script.
id: String,
name: String,
city: String,
iata: String,
latitude: String,
longitude: String,
state: String
id: String,
origin: Airport,
destination: Airport,
departureDate: Date,
arrivalDate: Date,
price: Number,
stock: Number,
plane: String
After the user "throws" a dart, the app will return all trips available from the city of origin that depart the month the user selected. Trips can go from 2 days long to 60 days long. Results are sorted by total cost (low to high).
Front end
- NextJs
- ReactJs
- ChakraUI
Back End
- NodeJS
- Express
- MongoDB
- Mongoose