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High performance modular plugin-based Vulkan rendering engine in C++17 with minimal dependencies.

How to Build

run setup.bat or, then build Stratum with CMake

API Overview

  • Instance
    • Wraps VkInstance
    • Useful functions:
      • Instance::Device(): The device being used by Stratum
      • Instance::Window(): The window being used by Stratum
      • Instance::MaxFramesInFlight(): Tells the total number of frames in flight on the CPU
  • Device
    • Wraps VkDevice
    • Accessible through Instance::Device()
    • Tracks current frame data
      • Useful for grabbing a Buffer or DescriptorSet used for a particular render pass
    • Useful functions:
      • Device::GetTempBuffer(): Get a buffer that is valid for this frame
      • Device::GetTempDescriptorSet: Get a descriptor set that is valid for the current frame
      • Device::MaxFramesInFlight(): Tells the total number of frames in flight on the CPU
      • Device::FrameContextIndex(): Tells the index of the current frame. Between 0 and MaxFramesInFlight-1
  • Buffer
    • Wraps VkBuffer
    • Represents a buffer of data on the GPU
    • Automatically handles staging buffers depending on the supplied usage flags
  • DescriptorSet
    • Wraps VkDescriptorSet
    • Descriptor writes are buffered
      • Must call DescriptorSet::FlushWrites() to actually write them
  • CommandBuffer
    • Wraps VkCommandBuffer
    • Passed in by most rendering functions
    • Tracks active RenderPass, Camera, Material, Shader vertex buffer, index buffer, and more to avoid unecessary API calls
    • Useful functions:
      • CommandBuffer::BindShader(): Binds a shader pipeline. Tracks active Shader, and Camera
      • CommandBuffer::BindMaterrial(): Binds the shader pipline from the material. Tracks active Material, Shader, and Camera
      • CommandBuffer::BindVertexBuffer(): Binds a vertex buffer and sets it as active
      • CommandBuffer::BindIndexBuffer(): Binds an index buffer and sets it as active
      • CommandBuffer::BeginRenderPass(): Begins a RenderPass and sets it as active.
      • CommandBuffer::EndRenderPass(): Ends a RenderPass and un-sets it as active.
      • CommandBuffer::PushConstant(): Pushes a PushConstant value. Checks to see if the provided shader supports the PushConstant before attempting to push.
  • RenderPass
    • Wraps VkRenderPass
    • Active RenderPass tracked by CommandBuffer
    • Stores a Framebuffer
    • Automatically created by each Camera (unless manually supplied)
  • Framebuffer
    • Wraps VkFramebuffer
    • Automatically created by each RenderPass (unless manually supplied)
  • Sampler
    • Wraps VkSampler
  • Window
    • Provides an abstraction for the window being used to render Stratum

Scene Overview

Note: Stratum uses a left-handed coordinate system!

  • Scene
    • Stores a collection of Objects
      • See Scene::AddObject() and Scene::RemoveObject() (objects wont work unless they are first added to the scene)
    • Computes a binary BVH for the whole scene
      • Allows for raycasting for objects that implement Object::Intersect()
    • Computes active lights and shadows, which can be references with Scene::LightBuffer(), Scene::ShadowBuffer(), and Scene::ShadowAtlas()
    • Stores an AssetManager, InputManager, and PluginManager
    • Use Scene::LoadModelScene() to efficiently load multiple MeshRenderers (or SkinnedMeshRenderers) from one 3D file
      • Stores all vertices and indices in the same buffer
    • Computes timing
      • Scene::TotalTime(): Total time in seconds since Stratum has started
      • Scene::DeltaTIme(): Delta time in seconds between last frame and the current frame
  • Object
    • Base class for all Scene Objects. Stores a Position, Rotation, and Scale that is used to compute an object-to-parent matrix (see Object::ObjectToParent()). Objects can have other Objects within them as children, allowing for hierarchical transforms.
    • Almost completely virtual, designed to be inhereted from
    • Supports "masking" (see Object::LayerMask()) in order to classify different objects
  • Camera
    • Inherets Object. Computes View matrices based on its transform as an Object
    • Represents a camera in 3D space. Provides functionality for stereo rendering, and more
    • Note: For precision, Camera view matrices are always centered at the origin. Thus the
  • Renderer
    • Base class for all Renderers. Inherit and override this to implement a custom renderer.
  • MeshRenderer
    • Renders a Mesh with a Material. The Scene will try to batch together MeshRenderers that use the same Mesh, Material and RenderQueue and draw them using Instancing.
  • SkinnedMeshRenderer
    • Renders a skinned Mesh with a Material. Inherets MeshRenderer, computes skinning from an AnimationRig.
  • ClothRenderer
    • Renders a Mesh simulating soft-body spring physics along triangle edges, and aerodynamic drag along triangle faces.
  • Light
    • Defines a light within the Scene's lighting system.
  • Gizmos
    • Gizmos are a way to quickly draw simple 3D shapes such as boxes and lines, and are only drawn during the main pass when Scene::DrawGizmos() is true. To use these properly, only call Gizmos functions during DrawGizmos() events.
  • GUI
    • Provides a basic immediate-mode GUI system, similar to Unity's EditorGUI. It can draw GUI content in world-space and in screen-space.

Content Overview

  • Asset
    • Represents any Asset loadable by the AssetManager
    • Used internally by the AssetManager
    • Inherit this if you intend to implement a custom Asset type (custom asset loaders within AssetManager planned)
  • AssetManager
    • Loads and tracks Assets. Assets loaded using this do not have to be manually deleted. Use this to load common assets.
  • Mesh
    • Stores a collection of vertices and indices on the GPU
      • This means vertices and indices are not accessible unless otherwise stored
    • Also stores weight data and shape key data for animations
    • Also can store a triangle BVH (for raycasting)
    • Static functions for creating cubes and planes (Mesh::CreateCube() and Mesh::CreatePlane())
  • Font
    • Represents a rasterized TrueType (*.ttf) font at a specific pixel size
    • Can draw strings in the world or on the screen with DrawString() or DrawString()
  • Texture
    • Stores a texture on the GPU
    • Can compute mipmaps in the constructor
  • Shader
    • Represents a shader compiled with Stratums ShaderCompiler. The ShaderCompiler uses reflection to determine the layout, passes, and other metadata included within shaders
    • Stores both compute and graphics shaders
    • Use GetGraphics() and GetCompute() to get usable shader variants.
  • Material
    • Represents a Shader with a collection of parameters. Used by MeshRenderer

Shader Overview

Stratum provides a custom shader compiler. It uses SPIRV reflection and custom directives to support automatic generation of data such as descriptor and pipeline layouts. It also provides macro variants, similar to Unity. Here is a list of all supported directives:

  • #pragma vertex <function> <main/depth>
    • Specifies vertex shader entrypoint. pass is optional, and defaults to main
  • #pragma fragment <function> <main/depth>
    • Specifies fragment shader entrypoint. pass is optional, and defaults to main
  • #pragma kernel <function>
    • Specifies a kernel entrypoint for a compute shader
  • #pragma multi_compile <keyword1> <keyword2> ...
    • Specifies shader variants. The shader is compiled multiple times, defining a different keyword each time. These different compilations are referred to as variants.
  • #pragma render_queue <number>
    • Specifies the render queue to be used by this shader. Used by Material.
  • #pragma color_mask <mask>
    • Specifies a color write mask for the fragment shader. <mask> must contain subset of the characters rgba. Examples:
      • #pragma color_mask rgb
      • #pragma color_mask rgba
      • #pragma color_mask rg
  • #pragma zwrite <true/false>
    • Specifies whether this shader writes to the zbuffer
  • #pragma ztest <true/false>
    • Specifies whether this shader uses depth-testing
  • #pragma depth_op <less/greater/lequal/gequal/equal/nequal/never/always>`
    • Specifies the depth compare op.
  • #pragma cull <front/back/false>
    • Specifies the culling mode
  • #pragma fill <solid/line/point>
    • Specifes the fill mode
  • #pragma blend <opaque/alpha/add/multiply>
    • Specifies the blend mode
  • #pragma array <name> <number>
    • Specifies that the descriptor named <name> is an array of size <number>. This is used in addition to specifying the descriptor as an array in native syntax (GLSL or HLSL)
  • #pragma static_sampler <name> <magFilter=linear> <minFilter=linear> <filter=linear> <addressModeU=repeat> <addressModeV=repeat> <addressModeW=repeat> <addressMode=repeat> <maxAnisotropy=2> <borderColor=int_opaque_black> <unnormalizedCoordinates=false> <compareOp=always> <mipmapMode=linear> <minLod=0> <maxLod=12> <mipLodBias=0>
    • Specifies that the sampler descriptor named <name> is a static/immutable sampler. All arguments after <name> are optional and defaulted to the above values, and can be specified as argument=value Examples:
      • #pragma static_sampler ShadowSampler maxAnisotropy=0 maxLod=0 addressMode=clamp_border borderColor=float_opaque_white compareOp=less

Frame Overview

Each frame follows the following sequence of events:

  • InputDevice::NextFrame()
  • Acquire SwapChain image
  • Get a CommandBuffer
  • Scene Update
    • Fixed Update Loop
      • Object::FixedUpdate()
      • Plugin::FixedUpdate()
    • Plugin::PreUpdate()
    • Plugin::Update()
    • Plugin::PostUpdate()
  • Render
    • Scene PreFrame
      • Renderer::PreFrame()
      • Sort Cameras, use highest-priority Camera as the main camera
      • Compute active lights & shadow cameras
      • For each shadow-casting light Render PASS_DEPTH
      • Resolve ShadowAtlas
    • Render PASS_MAIN for each camera (highest priorty first)
    • Resolve cameras
    • Plugin::PostProcess()
    • Copy cameras with TargetWindow set to the screen
    • Camera::PostRender()
  • Execute CommandBuffer
  • Plugin::PrePresent()
  • Wait for GPU to finish the oldest buffered frame before continuing (triple-buffering)

Render Pass Overview

Each "Render <PASS>" call above follows the following sequence of events:

  • Use Scene BVH to find Renderers in view
  • Sort Renderers based on RenderQueue
  • Camera::PreRender() (Updates Camera Framebuffer and Viewport)
  • Plugin::PreRender()
  • Renderer::PreRender()
  • Begin RenderPass, clear Framebuffer if clear is true
  • Camera::Set() (Updates Camera Uniform buffer and sets Viewport and Scissor)
  • Plugin::PreRenderScene()
  • Render Skybox (only for PASS_MAIN)
  • Render loop
    • For MeshRenderers with the same RenderQueue, Material, and Mesh (given the Material's shader supports Instancing by using the Instances uniform):
      • MeshRenderer::DrawInstanced()
    • For other Renderers:
      • Renderer::Draw()
  • Draw Gizmos (only if pass is PASS_MAIN and Scene::DrawGizmos is true)
    • Object::DrawGizmos()
    • Plugin::DrawGizmos()
  • Draw GUI (only for PASS_MAIN)
  • Plugin::PostRenderScene()
  • End RenderPass

Stereo Rendering

Cameras have a StereoMode property which is implemented as such:

  • While rendering a Renderer:
    • For each STEREO_EYE
      • Call Camera::SetStereo()
        • This sets the correct Scissor and StereoEye push constant
      • Render your Renderer
        • See Render() in Scene/MeshRenderer.cpp for an example
  • View matrices for each eye computed by multiplying the Camera's non-stereo View matrix by the EyeTransform of each eye (see Camera::EyeTransform)
  • Projection matrices are either manually supplied (see Camera::Projection) or computed from the Near, Far, and FieldOfView parameters (or OrthographicSize if Orthographic is set)


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