Components used: raspberry pi 4 model B(8GB RAM), L298n, 4x tt gear motors, 4x wheels, 2x 2600mAh 18650 Li-Ion batteries, 13000mAh powerbank, USB-C cable, jumper wires, acrylic case
Steps to make this car: Step 1: Download the code in your raspberry pi(make sure all the files are in the same directory), install RPi.GPIO, pygame and time using " $ pip install RPi.GPIO pygame time ". Step 2: Assmeble the case and the components. Step 3: Connect the wires according to the RPIcarSchematic.png file. Step 4: After completing all the above steps, run and you can control the car using WASD or ↑ → ↓ ← keys.
Controls: W or ↑: forward A or ←: left S or ↓: backward D or →: right