Hey there! 👋
You can check out my work environment here.
Note: This is a MacOS setup, and it's very Homebrew oriented.
Homebrew is a package manager for MacOS, follow the instructions on this page to install it.
With the help of the Brewfile, we can dump the list of brew installed taps, brews and casks.
To generate a new Brewfile, run:
brew bundle dump --force
To restore a configuration, jump in the folder where you have the Brewfile and run:
brew bundle
Execute the following command to use my already configured .zshrc:
ln -sf dot-files/zshrc_osx ~/.zshrc
[guide] Open the sudo auth file /etc/pam.d/sudo and add the following line:
auth sufficient pam_tid.so
To install command line tools on MacOS use the following command:
xcode-select --install
I heavily use Raycast to speed up my workflow.
To generate a new Raycast configuration, open it up and run the Export Settings & Data
command. You need to select only Settings
and Extensions
To import my existing configuration you can just open the Raycast.rayconfig file.
To theme all the apps as I do, check out Catppuccin.
My favorite theme is Macchiato.