This is a template repository used to speed up backend APIs creation.
It uses MongoDB and In Memory MongoDB for testing purposes. Express for the API and Docker + Docker Compose to build the DB and the API.
It also uses GitHub Actions for the CI/CD workflows.
cp .env-example .env
nvm use
npm ci
npm run tests
docker compose -f docker-compose.debug.yml --env-file .env-test up -d --wait --wait-timeout 60 --build
- click on debug script on
docker compose --env-file .env-test up -d --wait --wait-timeout 60 --build
- DEV:
docker compose --env-file .env-dev up -d --wait --wait-timeout 60 --build
(also used on CI) - PROD:
docker compose up -d --wait --wait-timeout 60 --build
(.env file loaded by default)
Github Actions for CI/CD
- CD: each commit on main builds a new Docker image and push it to the Registry. Define following secrets on GitHub:
- CI: each commit on every branch runs tests, linter, and also integration_tests using POSTMAN and docker-compose in the Github Action VM. Define following secrets on GitHub:
- main branch should be protected, restricting devs to merge a broken PR. Saving the CD workflow to build a broken image.
Code structure separated in layers
- Services
- Repositories
- Domain
- Node JS with Express and vanilla Javascript to build the Client API.
- Testing with Jest.
- Eslint to keep code consistency.
- Github Actions for workflows
- Postman for API (integration) Testing
- Docker & docker-compose
The intention is to have a high code coverage.
Go to: Testing REAMDE