Script to recreate Startmenü Icons from a Template Starmenu
It only places Icons in already existing folders and only if they don't already exist by name
This attempts to fix a deleted startmenu by MS faulty Signature Update
You just put the Icons and folders from the Startmenu from another pc where it wasn't deleted into the TemplateStartMenu folder (so, files from c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs goes into the TemplateStartMenu folder.
This script then tries to compare the template start menu with the one on the system you are executing the script. So only lnks for files where the targets exist are copied
This script does incremental runs, so copies only the .lnk files added.
It can right now only be used for lnks under c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu and not for User installs (C:\Users*user*\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs)
For the script to work it needs to be run as Administrator
powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file CompareStartMenus.ps1
to use this script in SCCM you create a new package
Create a Standard Program
Use the command listed under execution
You can then deploy it to your clients