Theming for react native apps
npm install theme-native
yarn add theme-native
import { ThemeProvider } from 'theme-native';
// wrap the root of your app in the theme provider as follows:
export default function App() {
return (
{/* your app here */}
Name | Description |
mode | values: "light", "dark", "device" |
colorAliases | An object that contains colors you wish to alias. The following keys are supported: "Primary", "Success", "Secondary", "Danger", "Warning", "Link". For example: colorAliases={{ Primary: "Red" }} . Note: The values must come from ColorName. |
By default, we use the device mode (light OR dark). However, you can control this manually.
- Via Hooks
useDarkMode() // uses the dark mode throughout your app
useLightMode() // uses light mode throughout your app
useDeviceTheme() // uses your device theme
- Using a callback
const { setPreferredMode } = useTheme();
// somewhere:
setPreferredMode("dark") // -> dark
setPreferredMode("light") // -> light
setPreferredMode(undefined) // -> device theme
- Props to ThemeProvider (as explained in the ThemeProviderProps section).
NOTE: Explore more color options in the ColorName section
const theme = useTheme();
// render
<Text color={theme.color.Gray[600]}>First name basis</Text>
NOTE: You can use this for padding and margin
const theme = useTheme();
// render
padding: theme.spacing[4],
marginHorizontal: theme.spacing[2]
const theme = useTheme();
// render
borderRadius: theme.borderRadius.Md,
const theme = useTheme();
// render
height: theme.height[4],
const theme = useTheme();
// render
height: theme.width[4],
const theme = useTheme();
// render
borderWidth: theme.borderWidth[2],
I'm getting written, LOL 😅
This is where color names come from. ColorName is essentially any key in the following object:
const Colors = {
Inherit: 'inherit',
Current: 'currentColor',
Transparent: 'transparent',
Black: '#000',
White: '#fff',
Text: '#000',
Slate: {
'50': '#f8fafc',
'100': '#f1f5f9',
'200': '#e2e8f0',
'300': '#cbd5e1',
'400': '#94a3b8',
'500': '#64748b',
'600': '#475569',
'700': '#334155',
'800': '#1e293b',
'900': '#0f172a',
'950': '#020617',
Gray: {
'50': '#f9fafb',
'100': '#f3f4f6',
'200': '#e5e7eb',
'300': '#d1d5db',
'400': '#9ca3af',
'500': '#6b7280',
'600': '#4b5563',
'700': '#374151',
'800': '#1f2937',
'900': '#111827',
'950': '#030712',
Zinc: {
'50': '#fafafa',
'100': '#f4f4f5',
'200': '#e4e4e7',
'300': '#d4d4d8',
'400': '#a1a1aa',
'500': '#71717a',
'600': '#52525b',
'700': '#3f3f46',
'800': '#27272a',
'900': '#18181b',
'950': '#09090b',
Neutral: {
'50': '#fafafa',
'100': '#f5f5f5',
'200': '#e5e5e5',
'300': '#d4d4d4',
'400': '#a3a3a3',
'500': '#737373',
'600': '#525252',
'700': '#404040',
'800': '#262626',
'900': '#171717',
'950': '#0a0a0a',
Stone: {
'50': '#fafaf9',
'100': '#f5f5f4',
'200': '#e7e5e4',
'300': '#d6d3d1',
'400': '#a8a29e',
'500': '#78716c',
'600': '#57534e',
'700': '#44403c',
'800': '#292524',
'900': '#1c1917',
'950': '#0c0a09',
Red: {
'50': '#fef2f2',
'100': '#fee2e2',
'200': '#fecaca',
'300': '#fca5a5',
'400': '#f87171',
'500': '#ef4444',
'600': '#dc2626',
'700': '#b91c1c',
'800': '#991b1b',
'900': '#7f1d1d',
'950': '#450a0a',
Orange: {
'50': '#fff7ed',
'100': '#ffedd5',
'200': '#fed7aa',
'300': '#fdba74',
'400': '#fb923c',
'500': '#f97316',
'600': '#ea580c',
'700': '#c2410c',
'800': '#9a3412',
'900': '#7c2d12',
'950': '#431407',
Amber: {
'50': '#fffbeb',
'100': '#fef3c7',
'200': '#fde68a',
'300': '#fcd34d',
'400': '#fbbf24',
'500': '#f59e0b',
'600': '#d97706',
'700': '#b45309',
'800': '#92400e',
'900': '#78350f',
'950': '#451a03',
Yellow: {
'50': '#fefce8',
'100': '#fef9c3',
'200': '#fef08a',
'300': '#fde047',
'400': '#facc15',
'500': '#eab308',
'600': '#ca8a04',
'700': '#a16207',
'800': '#854d0e',
'900': '#713f12',
'950': '#422006',
Lime: {
'50': '#f7fee7',
'100': '#ecfccb',
'200': '#d9f99d',
'300': '#bef264',
'400': '#a3e635',
'500': '#84cc16',
'600': '#65a30d',
'700': '#4d7c0f',
'800': '#3f6212',
'900': '#365314',
'950': '#1a2e05',
Green: {
'50': '#f0fdf4',
'100': '#dcfce7',
'200': '#bbf7d0',
'300': '#86efac',
'400': '#4ade80',
'500': '#22c55e',
'600': '#16a34a',
'700': '#15803d',
'800': '#166534',
'900': '#14532d',
'950': '#052e16',
Emerald: {
'50': '#ecfdf5',
'100': '#d1fae5',
'200': '#a7f3d0',
'300': '#6ee7b7',
'400': '#34d399',
'500': '#10b981',
'600': '#059669',
'700': '#047857',
'800': '#065f46',
'900': '#064e3b',
'950': '#022c22',
Teal: {
'50': '#f0fdfa',
'100': '#ccfbf1',
'200': '#99f6e4',
'300': '#5eead4',
'400': '#2dd4bf',
'500': '#14b8a6',
'600': '#0d9488',
'700': '#0f766e',
'800': '#115e59',
'900': '#134e4a',
'950': '#042f2e',
Cyan: {
'50': '#ecfeff',
'100': '#cffafe',
'200': '#a5f3fc',
'300': '#67e8f9',
'400': '#22d3ee',
'500': '#06b6d4',
'600': '#0891b2',
'700': '#0e7490',
'800': '#155e75',
'900': '#164e63',
'950': '#083344',
Sky: {
'50': '#f0f9ff',
'100': '#e0f2fe',
'200': '#bae6fd',
'300': '#7dd3fc',
'400': '#38bdf8',
'500': '#0ea5e9',
'600': '#0284c7',
'700': '#0369a1',
'800': '#075985',
'900': '#0c4a6e',
'950': '#082f49',
Blue: {
'50': '#eff6ff',
'100': '#dbeafe',
'200': '#bfdbfe',
'300': '#93c5fd',
'400': '#60a5fa',
'500': '#3b82f6',
'600': '#2563eb',
'700': '#1d4ed8',
'800': '#1e40af',
'900': '#1e3a8a',
'950': '#172554',
Indigo: {
'50': '#eef2ff',
'100': '#e0e7ff',
'200': '#c7d2fe',
'300': '#a5b4fc',
'400': '#818cf8',
'500': '#6366f1',
'600': '#4f46e5',
'700': '#4338ca',
'800': '#3730a3',
'900': '#312e81',
'950': '#1e1b4b',
Violet: {
'50': '#f5f3ff',
'100': '#ede9fe',
'200': '#ddd6fe',
'300': '#c4b5fd',
'400': '#a78bfa',
'500': '#8b5cf6',
'600': '#7c3aed',
'700': '#6d28d9',
'800': '#5b21b6',
'900': '#4c1d95',
'950': '#2e1065',
Purple: {
'50': '#faf5ff',
'100': '#f3e8ff',
'200': '#e9d5ff',
'300': '#d8b4fe',
'400': '#c084fc',
'500': '#a855f7',
'600': '#9333ea',
'700': '#7e22ce',
'800': '#6b21a8',
'900': '#581c87',
'950': '#3b0764',
Fuchsia: {
'50': '#fdf4ff',
'100': '#fae8ff',
'200': '#f5d0fe',
'300': '#f0abfc',
'400': '#e879f9',
'500': '#d946ef',
'600': '#c026d3',
'700': '#a21caf',
'800': '#86198f',
'900': '#701a75',
'950': '#4a044e',
Pink: {
'50': '#fdf2f8',
'100': '#fce7f3',
'200': '#fbcfe8',
'300': '#f9a8d4',
'400': '#f472b6',
'500': '#ec4899',
'600': '#db2777',
'700': '#be185d',
'800': '#9d174d',
'900': '#831843',
'950': '#500724',
Rose: {
'50': '#fff1f2',
'100': '#ffe4e6',
'200': '#fecdd3',
'300': '#fda4af',
'400': '#fb7185',
'500': '#f43f5e',
'600': '#e11d48',
'700': '#be123c',
'800': '#9f1239',
'900': '#881337',
'950': '#4c0519',
See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.
Made with create-react-native-library