Releases: GenEpiO/genepio
GenEpiO v0.8
GenEpiO v0.7
A variety of vocabulary updates.
OWLAPI update (save via Protege 5.6.1)
Fix to some URI's and date -> datetime fields to enable Apache jena load.
Release v0.6
Resolves import file path capitalization issue.
Switches genepio-edit.owl to Owl functional syntax.
Fixes some errors due to test LinkML format instances.
Release 2021-05-24
Fixes import file path capitalization issue
GenEpiO alpha release - Sequence Curation
Much work has been done to satisfy basic sequence collection curation requirements for environmental, clinical, and food specimen description. A viewer for this content is available at using Google Chrome.
GenEpiO alpha release - BFO trimming
Certain top-level BFO terms were removed in order to facilitate navigating the ontology from the top-down.
GenEpiO version control alpha release
Some import file reduction and cleanup.
genepio version control alpha release
This marks the first genepio release involving the Travis continuous build system and C. Mungall's ontology starter kit.