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OpenLayers Street View

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Street View implementation for Open Layers.

Tested with OpenLayers version 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. For Ol5, you must set a custom "target" to prevent the control from being rendered at the default target ("ol-overlaycontainer-stopevent"), because that messes up the events and breaks the control.


If you are going to use this module, read the Google Terms of Service.


  • Basic usage: create an OpenLayers map instance, and pass that map and options to the Street View constructor.


// Default options
const opt_options = {
     * Official Google Maps Api Key
     * If not provided, the map will be in inverted colors with the message "For development purposes only"
    apiKey: null,

     * Size of the Pegman Control in the map
    size: 'lg',

     * Maximum distance (in meters) that Street View can traslate to show the closest panorama
    radius: 100,

     * If true, Pegman will traslate to the new location based on the maximum radius provided
    updatePegmanToClosestPanorama: true,

     * Hides the container button that holds Pegman
    transparentButton: false,

     * Zoom level on the map when init the Panorama
    zoomOnInit: 18, 

     * Minimum zoom level to show the Pegman control
    minZoom: null,

     * To display a handler that enable dragging changing the height of the layout
    resizable: true,

     * Control displayed once Street View is activated, to allow compact/expand the size of the map
    sizeToggler: true,
     * Default size of the map when the Street View is activated
    defaultMapSize: 'expanded',

     * To configure if the Google Maps Library should be called automatically.
     * `false` if you are going to load it on your own. If so, you must run the `init` method AFTER the library is loaded. In this case the event 'loadLib' will not be fired.
    autoLoadGoogleMaps: true,

     * Language support
    language: 'en',

     * Add custom translations
     * Default is according to selected language
    i18n: {...},

const streetView = new StreetView(opt_options);

map.addControl(streetView); // or streetView.setMap(map);


 * ONLY use this method if `autoLoadGoogleMaps` is `false`. Call it after the Google Maps library is loaded.
 * Otherwise it will called automatically after the Maps Library is loaded.
 * @returns

 * This is useful if wou wanna add a custom icon on the panorama instance,
 * add custom listeners, etc
 * @returns {google.maps.StreetViewPanorama}
const googleStreetViewPanorama = streetView.getStreetViewPanorama();

 * Get the Vector Layer in wich Pegman is displayed
 * @returns {VectorLayer<VectorSource>}
const vectorLayer = streetView.getPegmanLayer();

 * Get the background Raster layer that displays the existing zones with Street View available
 * @returns {TileLayer<XYZ>}
const rasterLlayer = streetView.getStreetViewLayer();

 * Show Street View mode
 * @fires streetViewInit
 * @param {Coordinate} coords Must be in the map projection format
 * @returns {google.maps.StreetViewPanorama}
const googleStreetViewPanorama = streetView.showStreetView(coords);

 * Hide Street View, remove layers and clear features
 * @fires streetViewExit
 * @returns

 * Remove the control from its current map and attach it to the new map. 
 * Pass null to just remove the control from the current map. 
 * @param map
 * @returns


streetView.once(`loadLib`, () => console.log('Fired once after the Google library is loaded'))
streetView.on(`streetViewInit`, () => console.log('Fired everytime Street View mode is activated'))
streetView.on(`streetViewExit`, () => console.log('Fired everytime after is exited'))




Load ol-street-view.js after OpenLayers and interactjs. StreetView is available as StreetView.

<script src="[email protected]"></script>


<link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/dist/css/ol-street-view.min.css" />

Parcel, Webpack, etc.

NPM package: ol-street-view.

Install the package via npm

npm install ol-street-view


import StreetView, { Options, i18n, SVEventTypes, Language, BtnControlSize, MapSize } from 'ol-street-view';


import 'ol-street-view/lib/style/css/ol-street-view.css';
import 'ol-street-view/lib/style/scss/ol-street-view.scss';
TypeScript type definition

TypeScript types are shipped with the project in the dist directory and should be automatically used in a TypeScript project. Interfaces are provided for the Options.


  • Find the argument in the XYZ request that enables the Photo Spheres in the map
  • Add resizable screen option
  • Add feedback support when element can't be dropped
  • Add extra layout (vertical)
  • Add scss
  • Add size toggler
  • Improve scss style (add some variables)