Fast bitwise rounding for low-rate lossy compression
The Numpy ufunc bitwiseround.bitwise_round
makes bitwise rounding for floats. It takes two inputs: bitwiseround.bitwise_round
cooperate with Bitshuffle compression well. It will make the compression rate lower, while leading to a loss of precision controlled by
At this moment, bitwiseround.bitwise_round
works only for float64s.
The behavior of bitwiseround.bitwise_round
is UNDEFINED when one of the following situations holds:
$d$ is not a positive normal number; -
$a$ is a subnormal number; -
$\text{floor}(\log_{2}(a)) - \text{floor}(\log_{2}(d)) \leq 1022$ .
build, Setuptools, Numpy and a C compiler (such as GCC) should be installed first.
git clone
cd bitwiseround
python -m build -n
Then the package can be installed by using pip:
pip install dist/*.whl
Now LEAVE the bitwiseround
directory to use the package.
import numpy
import h5py
import bitshuffle.h5
from bitwiseround import bitwise_round
file = h5py.File('example.hdf5', 'w')
dataset = file.create_dataset(
(100, 100, 100),
compression_opts=(0, bitshuffle.h5.H5_COMPRESS_LZ4),
data = numpy.random.rand(100, 100, 100)
data = data.astype('float64')
# Use bitwise_round here!
bitwise_round(data, 0.333)
dataset[...] = data