AlphacraftLauncher is a repurpose of the original Minecraft Launcher released on 29 June 2010.
By default, AlphacraftLauncher will download Beta 1.1_02 as it was the last version of Minecraft to be released in 2010, and is what powers 'AlphaPlace', the popular legacy Minecraft server.
This launcher can run versions from indev 0.13 (20091223-2) up to 1.5.2 as they were the first and last to support the legacy working directory system, and the loading of the 'net.minecraft.client.MinecraftApplet' class, but if you want to be historically adequate, start from infdev (20100629) and end at Beta 1.2_02.
You need a minimum of Java 8 or greater to run this application.
- You can sign in using a valid Microsoft account.
- Enter (case insensitive) "$MICROSOFT:$CORPORATION" as the login credentials to initiate the MSA.
- Support for skins and the usage of sound proxy.
- Due to the way the launcher works, it is nearly impossible to add specific sound proxy ports to specific versions of the game.
- Out-of-box compatibility with MCPatcher and ModLoader.