Unity NPM version of Facebook SDK! This repository applies the same license terms of the original version.
Original version: facebook-sdk-for-unity
Add following dependency to
in your project;{ "dependencies": { "com.google.external-dependency-manager": "git://github.com/GameWorkstore/com.google.external-dependency-manager#1.2.165", "com.gameworkstore.facebooksdkunity": "git://github.com/GameWorkstore/facebook-sdk-unity#9.2.0000" } }
For the official plugin, check out the original repository
for update package for a newer version, change the #version at the end of the link to the release/tag on this page.
For Unity Android games, add on facebook settings your packageName (com.example.etc) and your activityClass from manifest. Go to advanced settings and enable "Native or desktop app?" to true. Respond "Is App Secret embedded in the client?" to false. Don't include your client secret if not necessary in the app.
Convert SHA1 from GooglePlay console keysigns to KeyHash using this site: http://tomeko.net/online_tools/hex_to_base64.php
Change on the generated manifest the application xml node line android:debuggable value:
<application android:theme="@a... android:debuggable="true">
to false, that is it:
<application android:theme="@a... android:debuggable="false">