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Building the SDK

Arves100 edited this page Jul 16, 2021 · 1 revision


Dependencies for MacOSX:

  • XCode
  • OpenSSL (brew update, brew install openssl, brew link openssl --force)
  • PThread

Dependencies for Linux:

  • C/C++ compiler (Gcc, CLang, ...)
  • PThread
  • OpenSSL
  • GNU Make

Dependencies for Windows:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio (Any version)
  • OpenSSL (vcpkg install openssl)

CMake (Windows, MacOSX, Linux)

The project can be builded as a usual CMake project.

CMake options

Option name Description Default value
RS_BUILD_TESTS Build the testes along with the SDK OFF
RS_FORCE_WINSOCK1 Forces the usage of Windows Socket 1 even on Win32 apps (Windows only) OFF
RS_HTTPLOG Enable HTTP SDK extended logging OFF
RS_OPENSSL Use OpenSSL for providing SSL/TLS support under the HTTP SDK ON
GSI_UNICODE Build an Unicode (utf16) supported build OFF
RS_SERVER_NAME Change the domain that the SDK will connect to