Basic combinatorics in Red language
- odometer
- power set
- Cartesian product
- number of combinations
- n-combination
- combinations
- n-permutation
- permutations
- number of variations
- variations
Generates a block of ranged permutations of block of integers. It can be regarded as a set of nested loops. Currently it is 0-based.
>> odometer [2 2 3]
[0 0 0]
[0 0 1]
[0 0 2]
[0 1 0]
[0 1 1]
[0 1 2]
[1 0 0]
[1 0 1]
[1 0 2]
[1 1 0]
[1 1 1]
[1 1 2]
Creates the power set of a set - that is the set contsisting of all subsets of the given set.
>> power-set [1 2 3 4]
== [[] [1] [2] [1 2] [3] [1 3] [2 3] [1 2 3] [4] [1 4] [2 4] [1 2 4] [3 4] [1 3 4] [2 3 4] [1 2 3 4]]
Creates a block of all tuples of a given block of blocks:
>> cartesian-product [[a b] [+ -] [1 3 2]]
== [[a + 1] [a + 3] [a + 2] [a - 1] [a - 3] [a - 2] [b + 1] [b + 3] [b + 2] [b - 1] [b - 3] [b - 2]]
Finds the binomial coefficient, or n choose k
- the number of ways to choose an (unordered) subset of k elements from a fixed set of n elements
>> nCk 7 3
== 35
finds the n-th combination of k elements from a set. Uses combinatorial number system.
>> n-combination [1 2 3] 2 1 ; the first combination of 2 elements from [1 2 3]
== [1 2]
>> n-combination [1 2 3] 2 3 ; the third (last) one -> nCk 3 2 is 3
== [2 3]
Uses combinatorial number system:
Finds all combinations of k elements of a series. It's done by generating every n-th combination in the range from 1 to nCk (length? series) k
>> probe combinations [Red Orange Yellow Green Cyan] 2
[[Red Orange] [Red Yellow] [Orange Yellow] [Red Green] [Orange Green] [Yellow Green] [Red Cyan] [Orange Cyan] [Yellow Cyan] [Green Cyan]]
There is also an all-combinations
function that is presented only to demonstrate a naive brute-force approach to the problem. Given a set of n elements, we can construct all n-digit binary numbers. 1 means that the element is used and 0 - not used. We are interested only in binary representations that have exactly k
s in them. So we generate all numbers in the range from 0
to 2 ** n - 1
, and keep only those that have k
ones in their binary representation. Then we extract the series elements at the positions of ones.
finds the n-th permutation of a series using factorial number system. (There are n!
permutations total). 0-based.
>> n-permutation "abcdefghij" (factorial 10) - 1 ; the last permutation - i.e. series reversed
== "jihgfedcba"
is based on Eugene McDonnell's article "Representing a Permutation" in "At play with J":
Generates all permutations of a series. Calls n-permuation
for all numbers in the range from 0 to (factorial length? series) - 1
>> permutations [a b c]
== [[a b c] [a c b] [b a c] [b c a] [c a b] [c b a]]
calculates the number of variations of k elements of set of n elements without repetition
>> nVk 10 5
== 30240
Finds all the variations of k element of a series. Unlike combinations, here the order of elementw matters. Implemented by finding all permutations of of combinations oh k elements of the series.
>> variations "abcd" 2
== ["ab" "ba" "ac" "ca" "bc" "cb" "ad" "da" "bd" "db" "cd" "dc"]
- Combinations with repetition
- Variations with repetition