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GabiBrawl authored Jul 25, 2021
1 parent ee33525 commit 35feab8
Showing 1 changed file with 317 additions and 0 deletions.
317 changes: 317 additions & 0 deletions Versions/V4.2 BETA/Chat.bat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
@echo off
title Command Prompt Chat loading
if not exist config.sav goto createtxtconfig
if not exist users goto creatediruser
< config.sav (
set /p color=
mode con: cols=70 lines=15
color %color%

::Below is the code to log-in to the program.
title Command Prompt Chat LogIn
mode con: cols=70 lines=15
echo ------------------
echo Log-In to Bat-Chat
echo Please type your username and press enter.
echo [To Create an Account, type 1 and Press Enter]
echo [For Settings, type 2 (STILL IN BETA)]
set /p username=Username:
::Check if input is 1 to go create an account
if %username% == 1 goto create_account
if %username% == 2 goto configeditor
if %username% == /ladmin goto ccs

echo ------------------
echo Log-In to Bat-Chat
echo Please type your password and press enter.
echo Info: Wile you type, your password will be invisible.
set /P "=_" < NUL > "Enter password"
findstr /A:07 /V "*" "Enter password" NUL > CON
del "Enter password"
set /P "password="

::Now we have the username and password set. We can now check to see if they are correct.
::First we need to see if the username exists.

if exist ".\users\%username%.dll" goto password_check
::If the username does not exist, we will now display
::Incorrect Credentials Message and return to login
echo I'm sorry, but those credentials were not found. Please try again.
timeout /t 3 >nul
goto login

::If the username did exist, we will now check to see if the password matches.

::First, we need to get the password from the file and set it as a variable.
set /p password_file=<".\users\%username%.dll"
::Now, Compare the two
if %password_file%==%password% goto correct_credentials

::if they do not match, go again to incorrect credentials
goto incorrect_credentials

::Here we create an account. We need to ask for a username and password.
echo _________________
echo Create an Account
echo -----------------
echo Please enter your desired Username.
set /p new_username=Username:
goto usr_check

if exist ".\users\%new_username%.dll" (goto usr_error) else (goto usr_password)

echo Sorry. This username is taken, pick another one!
timeout /t 3 >nul
goto create_account

::Clear the screen, re-draw and ask for password
echo _________________
echo Create an Account
echo -----------------
echo Please enter your desired Password.
set /p new_password=Password:

::Now that we have the information, we need to
::write it to the account file. We use the .dll extention
echo %new_password% >".\users\%new_username%.dll"

::now we confirm creation and go home
echo Account Successfully Created!
timeout /t 2 >nul
goto login

::If credentials were correct, start up the message viewer and begin asking for input
start cmd /c ".\PBMD.cmd"
timeout /t 3
title Chatting as %username%
echo. >>.\chat
echo System: %username% joined the room at %time% >>chat
echo. >>.\chat
goto messages_sender

echo ---------------------
echo Secret Session Log-in
echo Please type your username and press enter.
set /p username=Username:
goto cco

::If credentials were correct, start up the message viewer and begin asking for input
start cmd /c ".\PBMD.cmd"
timeout /t 3
title Chatting as %username%
goto messages_sender

color 1F

mode con: cols=54 lines=4
set /p input=Message:
::If input is nothing, go back
if "%input%"=="" goto messages_sender
::If input is /exit, exit the program.
if "%input%"=="/exit" goto exit
::If input is /cls, delete the history of messages.
if "%input%"=="/cls" goto cls
::If input is /cls -admin, delete the history of messages.
if "%input%"=="/cls -admin" goto cls_admin
::If input is /cls -admin -s, delete the history of messages.
if "%input%"=="/cls -admin -s" goto cls_admin_s
::If input is /logout, logout the user.
if "%input%"=="/logout" goto logout
::If input is /dcu, delete the current user.
if "%input%"=="/dcu" goto dcu
::If input is /help, open the help file.
if "%input%"=="/help" goto help
::If input is /rp, reset the password of the current user.
if "%input%"=="/rp" goto passreset
::If input is /md, run the message displayer.
if "%input%"=="/md" start MD.cmd

::Input message into chat file
echo %username%: %input% >>chat
echo %username%: %input% >>hpchat.lock
::reset the input to prevent spam
set input=
goto messages_sender


echo. >>.\chat
echo System: %username% left the room >>chat
echo System: %username% left the room >>hpchat.lock
echo. >>.\chat

del chat
timeout /t 2
echo. >>.\chat
echo System: %username% cleared the screen >>chat
echo System: %username% cleared the screen >>hpchat.lock
echo. >>.\chat
goto messages_sender

del chat
timeout /t 2
echo. >>.\chat
echo System: An admin cleared the screen >>chat
echo. >>.\chat
goto messages_sender

del chat
goto messages_sender

echo. >>.\chat
echo System: %username% left the room >>chat
echo. >>.\chat
goto login

start help.cmd
goto messages_sender

md users
goto load

echo 07
echo cols=70
echo lines=15
) > config.sav
goto load

del ".\users\%username%.dll"
echo. >>.\chat
echo System: %username% deleted his account >>chat
echo. >>.\chat
goto login

title Command Prompt Chat reloading
< config.sav (
set /p color=
:: set /p size=
:: set /p size1=
mode con: cols=70 lines=15
color "%color%"
goto messages_sender

mode con: cols=54 lines=15
color 07
set /p new_reset_password=New password:
echo %new_reset_password% >".\users\%username%.dll"
echo New Password set!
timeout /t 2 >nul
goto messages_sender

echo Start by typing the new color code:
echo [Type /help for color code help]
echo [Press enter to aply changes]
echo Predefined value: 07 or 03
set /p newc=Type now:
if "%newc%"=="/help" GOTO hc
fart.exe config.sav %color% %newc%
echo Setting saved!
timeout /t 2 >nul
::------------------------------------Non working zone--------------------------------------------
::echo Now type the new window size (cols):
::echo [Press enter to aply changes]
::echo Predefined value: 70
::set /p news=Type now:
::fart.exe config.sav "cols=%size%" "cols=%news%"
::echo Setting saved!
::timeout /t 2 >nul
::echo Now type the new window size (lines):
::echo [Press enter to aply changes]
::echo Predefined value: 15
::set /p news=Type now:
::fart.exe config.sav lines=%size% lines=%news%
::echo Setting saved!
::timeout /t 2 >nul
goto load

start HC.cmd
goto configeditor

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