This repository would help to have a quick insight of different Machine and Deep Learning concepts. On Futher, it helps you to dive deep into the concepts.
Major advantange of this is that you can try straight away on the notebook by opening it on the Colab. It would give you a clear instructions with recent working libraries
Hope you would enjoy it. Any suggestions are Welcomed.
Neural Network Beignner - Keras
Neural Network Master - PyTorch
Natural Language Processing - Spacy
Financial dataset - Quandl, Stocker
Image dataset - OpenCV, Pillow
- Understand the data
- Feature engineering and feature extraction
- TQDM - Progress Bar
- Pandas - Dataframe
- Shap - Machine Learning Model Explanation
- pylint - Styling guide
- Guietta - Simple GUI
Kaggle : DS Glossary :
- Always have a Separate import section at the start of the code or Notebook.
- Follow PEP8 -- Style Guide for Python Code
- Machine Learning Toolbox
- Data Science HandBook -
- Erosion
- Dilusion
- Increasing the brightness or bluring the image. (cv.medianBlur, cv.cvtColor, cv.threshold)
- OpenCV Image Filter methods