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Turisme en Dades

A dashboard tool to publish tourism data indicators, created with Node.js and React.


1. Install

Install Node.js dependencies

npm install

Install Redis

Install Redis on Windows:

Install Redis on Ubuntu:

Install MongoDB

2. Configuration

Environment variables

Edit the file .env.example to define the environment variables and rename it to .env:

environment variable description
SECRET_KEY Secret key to sign/verify JWT's in the authentication process
NODE_ENV Execution mode. Allowed values: development, production
RUNNING_IN_DOCKER To indicate Docker execution in a container. Allowed values: true, false

Configure the file server.config.js

Edit the file to add MongoDB, Redis and REST server properties:

// Mongo properties
mongodbUri: process.env.RUNNING_IN_DOCKER === 'true' ? 'mongodb://host.docker.internal:27017' : 'mongodb://',
db: 'turisme_en_dades_db',
collection: 'data_grids_col',

// Redis properties
redisHost: process.env.RUNNING_IN_DOCKER === 'true' ? 'host.docker.internal' : '',
redisDBindex: 0,
expiration: 600,  // Number of seconds of expiraton time for Redis caches

// REST server properties
port: 3000

Create an administrator user

Create a user with the command line program create-user-cli.js. This program inserts a new user entry in the MongoDB collection users_col (in the previously specified database in server.config.js). If you specify -a (or --is-admin) option, then a user with the role of administrator will be created.

node create-user-cli.js -u <username> -p <password> -a

Users are used to generate signed JSON Web Tokens (JWT) through the login endpoint. JWT tokens will be passed to endpoint invocations as bearer tokens in authorization headers. Only administrator users can perform POST, PATCH and DELETE operations on the REST.

3. Run

node server.js

4. Endpoints

method path description schema to validate req.body required JWT (*)
GET / REST API documentation
POST /login User authentication to generate a JWT loginSchema
GET /data-grids/summary Read summary of data grids Yes
POST /data-grids Create data grid dataGridSchema Yes (admin)
GET /data-grids/:id Read data grid Yes
PATCH /data-grids/:id Update data grid dataGridSchema (without required field) Yes (admin)
DELETE /data-grids/:id Delete data grid Yes (admin)

(*) Pass as a bearer token in an authorization header ( Authorization: Bearer AbCdEf123456 ).

5. Usage

To generate a JWT token you can use curl and pass the user credentials to the login endpoint:

curl -X POST -d "{\"username\":\"<username>\",\"password\":\"<password>\"}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:3000/login

To invoke CRUD endpoints you can use the generated JWT and pass it as a Bearer token in an authorization header:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" http://localhost:3000/data-grids/summary

6. How to build a Docker image

To build a Docker image of the REST server, execute the following command:

docker build -t <image_name> .

To run the image in a container:

docker run -d -p <public_port>:<private_port> --name <container_name> <image_name>

Where the private port must be the same as the one defined in the server.config.js properties file.


A dashboard tool to publish tourism data indicators (REST API).







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