This is a C++ implementation of our extension of the Greiner-Hormann clipping algorithm, which computes the intersection (or union) of two non-self-intersecting complex polygons, with possibly multiple and nested components, even in case of degenerate intersections (vertex on edge, overlapping edges, etc.). Detailed description of the algorithm is in the paper Clipping simple polygons with degenerate intersections.
The code can be compiled by executing
g++ -std=c++11 polyclip.cpp -o polyclip.exe
gcc -g polyclip.cpp -lstdc++ -std=c++11 -o polyclip.exe
Or open PolyClip.sln in Visual Studio.
To compute the intersection (or union) of two polygon, execute
polyclip [-union] input1.poly input2.poly output.poly
where "-union" is the optional switch for computing the union instead of the intersection, "input?.poly" are the names of the two input polygon files and "output.poly" is the name of the result polygon file.
The "*.poly" files must have the following structure. Each line contains two numbers (int or double), the x and the y coordinates of a vertex, followed by a "," or a ";", where the "," is used to separate the vertices of a polygon component and ";" marks the end of the component. For example, the following 7 lines:
0 0,
1 0,
0 1;
-0.5 -0.5,
1.5 -0.5,
1.5 1.5,
-0.5 1.5;
describe a polygon with 2 components, a right triangle inside a square. All vertices in one file must be different from each other.
The following features are allowed in the input polygons:
- the vertex order in each component can be CW or CCW
- components can be nested (AKA holes)
- the two input polygons are allowed to have degenerate intersections (vertex on edge, overlapping edges, etc.) with each other
The following features are not allowed in the input polygons:
- the polygons should not self-intersect (including degenerate self-intersections like vertex on vertex, vertex on edge), although the result will be correct as long as the self- intersection does not lie on the other polygon
The implementation is based on C++ floating point numbers with double precision and therefore not robust. The EPSILON parameter (set to 0.000000001) is used as a tolerance for equality checks, and two numbers are considered equal if their difference is less than EPSILON.