Here, I will examine intermediate and advanced sql functions, usually using Python as an intermediary between myself and the database. Databases I will be using will mostly be:
- Postgres (and maybe PostGIS)
- SQL Server
SQL Server local host connection string: f'Driver={{SQL Server}};Server=<localhost OR computer name>;Database=<db name>;Trusted_Connection=yes;'
Trusted connection=yes
assumes Windows authentication is being used.
Redshift current datetime in UTC:
GETDATE() at time zone current_setting('timezone') at time zone 'utc'
To run SQL Server on an M1 Mac, follow the steps here:
- install and open docker
- run
docker pull
in the terminal - run
sudo docker run --cap-add SYS_PTRACE -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=1' -e 'MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=bigStrongPwd' -p 1433:1433 --name sqledge -d
but change the password and database name if you wish - run
docker ps
to check status of server - use DBeaver or Azure Data Studio to connect to the SQL Server instance if you choose to use a GUI. Username is
, server islocalhost