This project was generated with Angular CLI version 14.2.1.
This project should be easy to run, simply download it and run using 'ng serve' command provided that you have angular installed.
Application is configured to run on default port localhost:4200 so simply connect to it using your webbrowser of choice.
This application is made to match users with other users based on your hobbies. Fun huh? :)
You can register an account, enter your details and whatever login information you'd like to share with others. You can then look for other accounts with similar hobbies and/or likes as your self based on the order they show up under the "Flöde" page on the website. (Other users will be color-coded based on how well your profiles match so a green user means a good match, yellow is an okay match and red is barely matching)
Login works through Spring Security and JWT tokens.