XMRigCC is a fork of XMRig which adds the ability to remote control your XMRig instances via a Webfrontend and REST api. This fork is based on XMRig (2.4.5 RC) and adds a "Command and Control" (C&C) server, a daemon to reload XMRig on config changes and modifications in XMRig to send the current status to the C&C Server. The modified version can also handle commands like "update config", "start/stop mining" or "restart/shutdown" which can be send from the C&C-Server.
Full Windows/Linux compatible, and you can mix Linux and Windows miner on one XMRigCCServer.
- NEW: Ready for Monero v7 PoW changes on April 6 2018
- NEW: Ready for Aeon v7 PoW changes on April 7? 2018
- NEW: Full SSL/TLS support for the whole communication: Howto
- XMRigCCServer Dashboard <-> Browser
- XMRigCCServer <-> XMRigMiner
- XMRigMiner <-> Pool
- Command and control server
- CC Dashboard with:
- statistics of all connected miners
- remote control miners (start/stop/restart/shutdown)
- remote configuration changes of miners
- simple config editor for miner / mass editor for multiple miners
- monitoring / offline notification
- Daemon around the miner to restart and apply config changes
- High optimized mining code (Benchmarks)
- Working CPU affinity for NUMA Cores or CPU's with lots of cores
- Multihash support (Double, Triple, Quadruple, Quituple)
- Configuration of multihash per thread
- Smarter automatic CPU configuration
- It's still open source software :D
XMRigCC Daemon(miner)
XMRigCC Server
XMRigCC Dashboard
- Download
- Wiki/Building/Howto
- Usage
- Multihash factor
- Multihash thread Mask
- Common Issues
- Optimizations
- Benchmarks
- Donations
- Contacts
- Binary releases: https://github.com/Bendr0id/xmrigCC/releases
- Git tree: https://github.com/Bendr0id/xmrigCC.git
- Clone with
git clone https://github.com/Bendr0id/xmrigCC.git
🔨 Build instructions.
- Clone with
xmrigCCServer --cc-port=3344 --cc-user=admin --cc-pass=pass --cc-access-token=SECRET_TOKEN_TO_ACCESS_CC_SERVER
--cc-user=USERNAME CC Server admin user
--cc-pass=PASSWORD CC Server admin pass
--cc-access-token=T CC Server access token for CC Client
--cc-port=N CC Server
--cc-use-tls enable tls encryption for CC communication
--cc-cert-file=FILE when tls is turned on, use this to point to the right cert file (default: server.pem)
--cc-key-file=FILE when tls is turned on, use this to point to the right key file (default: server.key)
--cc-client-config-folder=FOLDER Folder contains the client config files
--cc-custom-dashboard=FILE loads a custom dashboard and serve it to '/'
--no-color disable colored output
-S, --syslog use system log for output messages
-B, --background run the miner in the background
-c, --config=FILE load a JSON-format configuration file
-l, --log-file=FILE log all output to a file
-h, --help display this help and exit
-V, --version output version information and exit
Also you can use configuration via config file, default config_cc.json. You can load multiple config files and combine it with command line options.
xmrigDaemon -o pool.minemonero.pro:5555 -u YOUR_WALLET -p x -k --cc-url=IP_OF_CC_SERVER:PORT --cc-access-token=SECRET_TOKEN_TO_ACCESS_CC_SERVER --cc-worker-id=OPTIONAL_WORKER_NAME
-a, --algo=ALGO cryptonight (default) or cryptonight-lite
-o, --url=URL URL of mining server
-O, --userpass=U:P username:password pair for mining server
-u, --user=USERNAME username for mining server
-p, --pass=PASSWORD password for mining server
-t, --threads=N number of miner threads (0 enables automatic selection of optimal number of threads, default: 0)
-m, --multihash-factor=N number of hash blocks per thread to process at a time (0 enables automatic selection of optimal number of hash blocks, default: 0)
-A, --aesni=N selection of AES-NI mode (0 auto, 1 on, 2 off, default: 0)
-k, --keepalive send keepalived for prevent timeout (need pool support)
-r, --retries=N number of times to retry before switch to backup server (default: 5)
-R, --retry-pause=N time to pause between retries (default: 5)
--multihash-thread-mask for multihash-factor > 1 only, limits multihash to given threads (mask), (default: all threads)
--cpu-affinity set process affinity to CPU core(s), mask 0x3 for cores 0 and 1
--cpu-priority set process priority (0 idle, 2 normal to 5 highest)
--no-huge-pages disable huge pages support
--donate-level=N donate level, default 5% (5 minutes in 100 minutes)
--user-agent set custom user-agent string for pool
--max-cpu-usage=N maximum CPU usage for automatic threads mode (default 75)
--safe safe adjust threads and av settings for current CPU
--nicehash enable nicehash/xmrig-proxy support
--use-tls enable tls on pool communication
--print-time=N print hashrate report every N seconds
--api-port=N port for the miner API
--api-access-token=T access token for API
--api-worker-id=ID custom worker-id for API
--cc-url=URL url of the CC Server
--cc-use-tls enable tls encryption for CC communication
--cc-access-token=T access token for CC Server
--cc-worker-id=ID custom worker-id for CC Server
--cc-update-interval-s=N status update interval in seconds (default: 10 min: 1)
--no-color disable colored output
-S, --syslog use system log for output messages
-B, --background run the miner in the background
-c, --config=FILE load a JSON-format configuration file
-l, --log-file=FILE log all output to a file
-h, --help display this help and exit
-V, --version output version information and exit
-v, --av=N DEPRECATED - algorithm variation, 0 auto select
--doublehash-thread-mask DEPRECATED - same as multihash-thread-mask
Also you can use configuration via config file, default config.json. You can load multiple config files and combine it with command line options.
With this option it is possible to increase the number of hashblocks calculated by a single thread in each round. Selecting multihash-factors greater than 1 increases the L3 cache demands relative to the multihash-factor. E.g. at multihash-factor 2, each Cryptonight thread requires 4MB and each Cryptonight-lite thread requires 2 MB of L3 cache. With multihash-factor 3, they need 6MB or 3MB respectively.
Setting multihash-factor to 0 will allow automatic detection of the optimal value. Xmrig will then try to utilize as much of the L3 cache as possible for the selected number of threads. If the threads parameter has been set to auto, Xmrig will detect the optimal number of threads first. After that it finds the greatest possible multihash-factor.
Depending the CPU and its L3 caches, it can make sense to replace multiple single hash threads with single multi-hash counterparts. This change might come at the price of a minor drop in effective hash-rate, yet it will also reduce heat production and power consumption of the used CPU.
In certain environments (e.g. vServer) the system running xmrig can have access to relatively large amounts of L3 cache, but may has access to only a few CPU cores. In such cases, running xmrig with higher multihash-factors can lead to improvements.
With this option you can limit multihash to the given threads (mask). This can significantly improve your hashrate by using unused l3 cache. The default is to run the configured multihash-factor on all threads.
"multihash-thread-mask":"0x5", // in binary -> 0101
"threads": 4,
This will limit multihash mode (multihash-factor = 2) to thread 0 and thread 2, thread 1 and thread 3 will run in single hashmode.
- XMRigMiner is just the worker, it is not designed to work standalone. Please start XMRigDaemon instead.
- Make sure that you installed latest Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015. Can be downloaded here: microsoft.com
option will only work properly for the XMRigServer. But there is a simple workaround for the XMRigDaemon process. Just append an&
to the command and it will run smoothly in the background../xmrigDaemon --config=my_config_cc.json &
or you just usescreen
- Run XMRig as Administrator.
- Since version 0.8.0 XMRig automatically enables SeLockMemoryPrivilege for current user, but reboot or sign out still required. Manual instruction.
Before starting XMRigDaemon set huge pages
sudo sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=128
- No HTTP support, only stratum protocol support.
Please note performance is highly dependent on system load. The numbers above are obtained on an idle system. Tasks heavily using a processor cache, such as video playback, can greatly degrade hashrate. Optimal number of threads depends on the size of the L3 cache of a processor, 1 thread requires 2 MB (Cryptonight) or 1MB (Cryptonigh-Lite) of cache.
- Idle operating system.
- Do not exceed optimal thread count.
- Use modern CPUs with AES-NI instruction set.
- Try setup optimal cpu affinity.
- Try decreasing number of threads while increasing multihash-factor. Allocate unused cores and L3 cache with the help of multihash-thread-mask.
- Enable fast memory (Large/Huge pages).
Here are some result reported by users. Feel free to share your results, i'll add them.
AMD Ryzen 1950x
AEON: ~5300 h/s (XMRig Stock: ~4900 h/s) XMR: ~1320 h/s (XMRig Stock: ~1200 h/s)
AMD Ryzen 1600
AEON: ~2065 h/s (XMRig Stock: ~1800 h/s) XMR: ~565 h/s (XMRig Stock: ~460 h/s)
4x Intel XEON e7-4820
AEON: ~2500 h/s (XMRig Stock ~2200h/s)
2x Intel XEON 2x e5-2670
AEON: ~3300 h/s (XMRig Stock ~2500h/s)
- Default donation 5% (5 minutes in 100 minutes) can be reduced to 1% via command line option
XMR: 4BEn3sSa2SsHBcwa9dNdKnGvvbyHPABr2JzoY7omn7DA2hPv84pVFvwDrcwMCWgz3dQVcrkw3gE9aTC9Mi5HxzkfF9ev1eH
AEON: Wmtm4S2cQ8uEBBAVjvbiaVAPv2d6gA1mAUmBmjna4VF7VixLxLRUYag5cvsym3WnuzdJ9zvhQ3Xwa8gWxPDPRfcQ3AUkYra3W
BTC: 128qLZCaGdoWhBTfaS7rytpbvG4mNTyAQm
XMR: 48edfHu7V9Z84YzzMa6fUueoELZ9ZRXq9VetWzYGzKt52XU5xvqgzYnDK9URnRoJMk1j8nLwEVsaSWJ4fhdUyZijBGUicoD
- ben [at] graef.in
- Telegram: @BenDr0id