RPF Editor for Red Dead Redemption (no longer in active development)
If you want to mod the PC or Nintendo Switch versions you can also take a look at CodeX
This tool supports the Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch, PS4 & PC platforms.
Some features are only supported for the Xbox version which was the main target originally (XSF, AWC, etc.)
- Add/remove files/directories
- Basic Hex viewer
- Basic Hash generator
- Basic Sector data viewer (#SI)
- Basic Shader data viewer (.FXC, .NVN)
- Script decompiler (#SC)
- Texture viewer & editor (#TD, #SF, #FT, #FD, #VD)
- Model viewer (#FT, #FD, #VD, #BD)
- Stringtable viewer (#ST)
- Audio player (.AWC)
- Im Foxxyyy (Mars)
- XBLToothPiick
- revelations
- Sockstress
- apii intense
- aru
- emoose
- TheRouletteBoi
- CabooseSayzWTF
- FrostDragonZ
- OAleex
- BadassBaboon
We are also working on a ScriptHook ASI trainer if interested :)