Go to the Discord Developer Portal Create a new application and convert it into a bot. Copy the Bot Token. Install Discord.py:
Open your terminal or command prompt. Run pip install discord.py to install the Discord.py library. Configure the Bot:
Open the bot.py file in your preferred code editor. Replace 'YOUR_TOKEN_HERE' with the Bot Token you copied earlier. Run the Bot:
Save the changes to bot.py. Run python bot.py in your terminal or command prompt. Invite the Bot:
Invite your bot to your Discord server using the OAuth2 URL provided in the Discord Developer Portal. Usage Use the !hello command in any text channel to test the bot's functionality. Customization Feel free to customize the bot by adding more commands, event handlers, and features based on your preferences. Refer to the Discord.py documentation for in-depth information.
Support If you encounter any issues or have questions about the Fox Studios - Scratch™ Discord Bot, feel free to reach out to us on our Discord Server or by creating an issue in this repository.
Fox Studios - Scratch™ Thank you for using our basic bot code! We hope it helps you create a bot that brings joy and entertainment to your servers.