SpikeCV Results Detect edges Sobel: Roberts: Prewitt and Canny: Histogram and Normalization: Local and global thresholding: Frequency domain filters Low Pass: High Pass: [Hybrid images:] Boundary detection Canny Superimposed: Hough Lines: Hough Circles: Active Contour Object: initialize the contour: Evolved Contour: Harris original image: output image : SIFT original image: output image : Template Matching result: Thresholding Optimal Otsu's bimodal thresholding Global thresholding: Local thresolding: Spectral thresholding (trimodal) Global thresholding: Local thresolding: Optimal (iterative) thresholding (trimodal) Global thresholding: Local thresolding: Segmentation K-means Input: Output: Region Growing Input: Output: Agglomerative : Input: Output: Mean Shift : Input: Output: Face Detection 14. ### Face Recognition