This is a very cool countdown timer which is on open source, free to use and contribute.
This HTML, CSS, and JavaScript based timer is ease to use on any device having browser.
Toggle dark/light mode.F
Enable/Disable full screen.↑
Add 15 minutes to timer.↓
Subtract 15 minutes from timer.
I am continuously updating this app and very excited to add many features to this.
- If you see any bugs or have any recommendations on this application, kindly contact me on my email, [email protected].
- This is first release.
- Main fuctions of timer made.
- Use the buttons to increase or decrease 1 hour, 15 minutes, or 1 minute.
- Use the play / pause button to play / pause the timer.
- Reset the timer by refreshing the tab.
- Remember! It includes some bugs.
- Some bugs fixed!
- Feature added:
- Now reset the timer using a button. No need to refresh.
- Code is not completely perfect, may include bugs.
- Feature added:
- Clicking the button will show the another buttons according to the need. i.e, when the play button is clicked, the pause and reset buttons will be visible and vice versa.
- Remember, bugs!
- Now you can use the text input fields to set the time.
- Remember, bugs!
- Feature update:
- Every element is now fitted to its position according to its need, all buttons and input fields.
- Almost all bugs removed!
- End of this version. New version coming soon! MAJOR FEATURES CHANGE IN NEXT UPDATE.
- New fonts added.
- Icons in buttons.
- Timer alignment changed to center.
- Transitions on functions.
- Blue color brand theme in borders.
- Bugs in text fields will be killed in next update.
- Now includes an arc which shows the time left.
- Input fields position updated.
- Minor style changes.
- Dark mode and light mode swithching added.
- No more bugs left.
- Dark mode and light mode swithching added.
- Now use shortcut keys to use timer without mouse!
Toggle dark/light mode.F
Enable full screen.Esc
Disable full screen.- Minor style changes.
- Known bugs removed.
- Feature update:
- New shortcut keys added!
Add 15 minutes to timer.↓
Subtract 15 minutes from timer.- Bug removed: Buttons had a black outline while using shortcut keys. (as reported by @Vinesh27.)
- Recommendations in the know:
- All Recommended features added.
- Contact me to recommend.
- Bugs in the know:
- All Recommended bugs removed.
- Contact me to report a bug.