In the you can find the background about how the script works.
With this information you can do all the steps manually, if you want.
Use the script on your own risk !
Paste your .zip game files into the same directory as the script.
The structure of the zip file has to contain normal dos files.
This is an example of a set files of :
castle.txt folidash.b folidash.d folidash.g mazecave.txt reactor.txt
empty.txt folidash.c folidash.e folidash.txt pacmans.txt title.txt
folidash.a folidash.f pyramid.txt wait.txt
You will find that some zip files require editing so they will be converted properly for autoboot.
Use the terminal.
Go to the script directory.
Be sure the script is executable:
chmod u+x
- Run it with ( It will create .rom files from all .zip files ):
sudo ./
Copy these .rom files to the ~/RetroPie/roms/pofo directory or your specific mame rom directory
Now you can run the games with mame
Good luck !