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binder colab

Face Mask Object Detection


Masks play a crucial role in protecting the health of individuals against respiratory diseases, as is one of the few precautions available for COVID-19 in the absence of immunization. Developing a real-time facial mask detection model may prove beneficial in identifying individuals who have worn masks amid the pandemic.

  • Create custom datasets, dataloaders and transformers for object detection tasks.
  • Build object detection models to determine the boundary boxes of human faces, and to classify them into different classes. Implement performance metrics to keep tracking the training process.
  • Apply the model on images, videos and live streams to accomplish real-time face mask detection.


All the training data used in this project are from Face Mask Detection. This dataset contains 853 images belonging to the 3 classes (With mask, Without mask, and Mask worn incorrectly), as well as their bounding boxes in the PASCAL VOC format.

Training Process

  • Dataset Setup: Build a custom dataset for object detection tasks. Take images and annotation information from the original dataset and collate them all together.
  • Image Augmentation: Apply mask augmentation methods for segmentation from albumentations (e.g. ShiftScaleRotate, RandomBrightnessContrast) on the train/val dataset.
  • Fine-Tuning Models: Build the FastRCNN model for multi-class object detection. Implement custom mean IoU score functions.
  • Evaluation: Evaluate the models on the test set and track the performance of the model.


  • Image Output:

  • Video Output:


[1] Girshick, R. (2015, September 27). Fast R-CNN. Retrieved March 20, 2023, from

[2] Larxel. (2020, May 22). Face mask detection. Kaggle. Retrieved March 20, 2023, from

[3] Techzizou. (2023, January 9). Train a custom Yolov4 object detector (using Google Colab). Medium. Retrieved March 20, 2023, from


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