is a short python3 script to import health-data from Google Fit into a influxdb database which is filled by Home Assistant.
I'm using a Mi Body Composition Scale 2 with an Home Assistant Addon to see all my data. Since I wrote down my weight into the Google Fit app in the past I don't want to miss this data.
Luckily you're able to download all your Google data (at least here in Germany).
Just follow the instructions on the following sites.
I just checked "Google Fit" for the export which took about an hour in my case.
Your daily data has one csv for every day and one for all days together. I only wanted to parse one file, which is the last one. It's called Tägliche Zusammenfassungen.csv in german. I asume it will be Daily summaries.csv in english. Unfortunately we lose the time for the weight measurement in this file, which will be assumed via the default_time_ strings. Just rename your csv to all.csv and place it next to or edit the variable csv_file itself.
! This script is only tested with the big summarizing csv-file and assumes a modified schema for the HA to influxdb saving !
Please edit the schema datapoint for your needs.
My Home Assistant configuration looks through a modification as followed:
influxdb: host: localhost port: 8086 database: home_assistant default_measurement: state tags_attributes: - unit_of_measurement component_config_domain: device_tracker: override_measurement: device_tracker sensor: override_measurement: sensor include: entities: - sensor.my_weight
Edit the configuration-variables. Especially the influxdb ones. To adapt the influxdb-schema please edit datapoint which is optimized for a modification like shown before.
A additional tag called external_source_import ensures a tracing of this import.
If you edit everything and did a dryrun (dryrun = True)
$ ./
you can change the variable dryrun to False and run the script again. Now everything will be written to your database.
Install python3. Then install the following:
$ python3 -m pip install influxdb
Whitin linux you have to ensure, that the file is excecutable:
$ chmod +x
Please make a Pull-Request or open an Issue if something is missing.