A Bukkit plugin which offers an API to register custom events that will be launched at a specific date.
To create an event, add a yaml file in the 'event' directory that respect the template bellow. You can have as many event as you want.
# The date of the week when this event must be fired. There is no limit for the number of dates
1: # This section's name does not matter, it just needs to be unique.
day: 1 # Between 1 and 7. 1 = SUNDAY ; 2 = MONDAY ; ... ; 7 = SATURDAY
hour: 18 # Between 0 and 23
minute: 0 # Between 0 and 59
# Sunday at 18:00
day: 2
hour: 20
minute: 30
# Monday at 20:30
# The bellow keys are specific to each event,
# so you need to check the documentation of the event plugin
# The type of the event
type: <type>
# The generic parameters of the event
# The identifier that will be used in command like /customevents info
command-id: <command-id>
# Information displayed in the command /customevents info
- <line-1>
- <line-2>
- ...
# The event parameters
event: <event>
How to include the API with Maven:
You can register a custom event like this:
package fr.flowsqy.customeventexample;
import fr.flowsqy.customevents.CustomEventsPlugin;
import fr.flowsqy.customevents.api.Event;
import fr.flowsqy.customevents.api.EventData;
import fr.flowsqy.customevents.api.EventDeserializer;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class CustomEventExamplePlugin extends JavaPlugin {
public void onEnable() {
final Plugin plugin = Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("CustomEvents");
if (plugin instanceof CustomEventsPlugin customEventsPlugin) {
"example", // That is the type needed in the configuration (see above)
new ExampleEventDeserializer(),
false // Whether this event can replace an existing event with the same identifier
// The deserializer class. Can be in a separate file
private static final class ExampleEventDeserializer implements EventDeserializer {
public Event deserialize(ConfigurationSection section, Logger logger, String fileName, EventData eventData) {
final String message = section.getString("message");
if (message == null) {
logger.warning("The message key is null in " + fileName + ", you need to set it. ");
return null;
return new ExampleEvent(eventData, message);
// The event class. Can be in a separate file
private static final class ExampleEvent implements Event {
private final EventData eventData;
private final String message;
public ExampleEvent(EventData eventData, String message) {
this.eventData = eventData;
this.message = message;
public void perform() {
public EventData getData() {
return eventData;
It will text a message specified in the configuration each time the event is fired.
Just clone the repository and do mvn clean install
or mvn clean package
. The jar is in the target directory.